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Contact: Angela Vullo
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LaRouche Warns:
'The Democrats Could Have Won California'

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Oct. 13 -- Lyndon LaRouche, now the ninth candidate for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination in 2004, and one of only two candidates certified by the Federal Election Commission as qualified for matching funds, issued the following statement on Sunday, Oct. 12, 2023:

"Had any second leading Democratic Presidential candidate, or former President Bill Clinton, associated himself with me in my fight to bring about the defeat of recall in California, the Democratic Party would have carried the state. In effect, when faced with a brutally nasty adversary, George Shultz's muscle-bound Hitler, Arnie "the beast-man" Schwarzenegger, the Democratic National Committee Chairman reacted like a scared rabbit, and, figuratively, froze and died a political death, on that spot.

"In the first serious test of 2023, the California recall fight, the present pack of my remaining rivals on the list, including retired General Clark, have exposed themselves as losers. That is the issue on the plate of the Democratic National Committee today, and every state Democratic Committee today: Cooperate with me in the race now, or lose everything next year. We can save the party, but not with candidates who behave as my would-be rivals have performed so far.

"The crucial test has been conducted in California, and all my rivals failed; they either did not show up, or performed like Bozos, staging moral intellectual pratt-falls at the starting-line. Every Democratic party figure worth taking seriously will now mobilize around me to win in 2004. It is time to line up for 2023."

LaRouche will be elaborating on the California test case, and its significance in terms of the deployment of fascist "Beast-men" like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dick Cheney, in his next international Webcast, scheduled for 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Oct. 22. It will be available on


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004
