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Contact: Angela Vullo
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The DNC's Walking Dead To Perform In Detroit

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Oct 23 -- The Sunday, Oct. 26 scheduled Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored, and Democratic National Committee-sanctioned Presidential candidates, debate in Detroit, Mich., has been dubbed by candidate Lyndon LaRouche as a performance of “the walking dead.”

“My nine rivals,” LaRouche commented, “all politically died in California, along with the DNC, by their failure to join me in defeating `Beast-man' Arnold Schwarzenegger's recall campaign. Had any of these candidates seriously joined in the effort to defeat Schwarzenegger, we would have won, and delivered a deadly blow to the energy-pirate friends of the President of Vice, Dick Cheney.”

At the outset of the recall campaign, polls showed that 60% of the voters in Los Angeles County were in favor of the recall of Gov. Gray Davis. Then, Lyndon LaRouche travelled to Los Angeles, in mid-September, and held a campaign rally to defeat the recall. Nearly a million pieces of LaRouche campaign literature, exposing “Beast-man” Schwarzenegger and his Enron backers, and providing an emergency solution to the California energy crisis, were distributed in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay areas by the rapidly growing LaRouche Youth Movement.

On election day, the recall was {defeated} in Los Angeles County by 51-49%, and by a more substantial margin in the Bay Area. Any sustained follow-on effort by former President Bill Clinton, or any intervention by any of LaRouche's rivals for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination, would have defeated the recall, and saved millions of Californians from the torture they are about to experience at the hands of self-professed Hitler admirer Arnold Schwarzenegger.

They All Ran for Cover

“My so-called rivals for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination stared into the face of a real fascist, a real `Beast-man,' and they all ran for cover,” LaRouche bluntly observed.

LaRouche warned that the suicidal performance of the nine so-called DNC-sanctioned Presidential candidates, in staying out of the California fight, further signals that the present corrupt and inept national leadership of the Democratic Party is prepared to repeat the 2000 election failure, which placed a thoroughly unqualified and beatable George W. Bush into the White House, due to an even more pathetic performance by Al Gore and Joe Lieberman.

LaRouche, who is being excluded from the DNC-orchestrated “debates”--despite the fact that he is one of only two Democratic Presidential candidates certified by the Federal Election Commission as qualified for Federal matching funds--questioned why his nine rivals are even bothering to show up in Detroit for the Black Caucus event. “Why are these corpses coming to Detroit? Are they forming a new Motown rock band called The Walking Dead? Is this going to be their first and last performance?”

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004
