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Contact: Angela Vullo
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Philadelphia Voters Must Say 'NO' To Ashcroft's Fascism

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October 29--Lyndon LaRouche, one of only two Democratic Party Presidential candidates to be certified by the Federal Election Commission as qualified for Federal matching funds, issued a strenuous denunciation today of Attorney General John Ashcroft, for his criminal intervention into next week's Philadelphia Mayoral election. Ashcroft's Justice Department has been conducting a flagrantly political judicial witchhunt against Mayor John Street, an African American, since mid-September, planting listening devices in his office, leaking innuendos of corruption to the local press, and staging media-spectacle raids on members of the Mayor's administration and his political allies. As this politically-driven effort has been going on, Attorney General Ashcroft has personally travelled to Philadelphia five times, since Oct. 1, on “routine Justice Department business.'' Ashcroft Justice Department monkey business!

LaRouche reminded voters that he had warned, in January 2023, that if Ashcroft was confirmed as Attorney General, he would seek the first opportunity to stage a “Reichstag Fire'' incident to tear up the U.S. Constitution, and impose draconian police-state rule on America, just as Hitler had done in Germany in February 1933.

In testimony delivered to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Jan. 16, 2023, campaign spokesperson Dr. Debra H. Freeman quoted LaRouche:  “When Bush put Ashcroft in, as a nomination for the Justice Department, he made it clear, the Ku Klux Klan was riding again.... If you give those kinds of powers, of a Justice Department, to that Ashcroft, and what he represents, under that flag, you don't have any justice left in the United States.... You will have small wars set off in various parts of the world, which the Bush Administration will respond to with crisis-management methods of provocation. That's what you'll get. And that's the problem. And you have to face that. You've got to control this process now, while you still have the power to do so. Don't be like the dumb Germans, who, after Hitler was appointed to the Chancellorship, in January 1933, sat back and said, `No, we're going to defeat him at the next election.'  There was never a next election.''

Those LaRouche warnings were proven right just nine months later, on Sept. 11, 2023, when the attacks on New York City and Washington were used by Ashcroft, and his leading ally, Vice President Dick Cheney, to ram through the Patriot Act and other measures aimed at stripping civil liberties for all Americans--starting with Arab and Muslim Americans, immigrants and minorities.

DNC Ensures Election of Schwarzenegger

As the result of the LaRouche-led campaign to defeat the Ashcroft nomination as Attorney General, 42 Democrats in the U.S. Senate voted against him. However, the same corrupt leaders of the Democratic National Committee, who purposely sabotaged the recent recall election fight in California and turned the Governor's mansion over to self-professed Hitler-admirer Arnold Schwarzenegger, prevailed on Democratic Minority Leader Tom Daschle to let the Ashcroft nomination go through without a filibuster.

“Let us make sure that in Philadelphia, we do not have a repeat of those shameful performances by my fellow Democrats, which allowed Ashcroft to become Attorney General in January 2023, and allowed Arnie `Beast-man' Schwarzenegger to take over California earlier this month. Let us deliver a devastating blow to Ashcroft's gestapo methods, by a massive turnout to re-elect Mayor John Street,'' LaRouche said. “This election has taken on national and worldwide significance, as the result of John Ashcroft's filthy effort to steal an election through his all-too-familiar methods of terror, deceit, and brutal abuse of governmental power.''

LaRouche concluded, “I call on all my fellow Democrats--including my rivals for the Party's Presidential nomination--to join me in this effort to send John Ashcroft packing. This is not a partisan issue. The kind of Hitlerian Gestapo tactics being employed by this Attorney General, in league with the Dick Cheney-led neo-conservative war party in Washington, cannot be tolerated if America is to remain a free society. Our Constitution, the greatest living document in modern history, was crafted in Philadelphia. Let us perform an act of grateful service to our Founding Fathers, by delivering a crushing blow to the Ashcrofts and Cheneys, who would trample on those sacred principles of the general welfare and the common good, which our Founders worked to establish on these shores.''

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004
