LaRouche in 2004 Press Release LaRouche Spokeswoman: Dems Finally Begin To Buck DNC Jan. 29--In the immediate aftermath of the New Hampshire Primary, and on the eve of the second round of primary elections for the Democratic Presidential nomination, Lyndon LaRouche's national spokeswoman, Debra Hanania-Freeman, delivered an assessment from the point of view of the LaRouche campaign: “The combined occurrence of the Iowa Democratic Caucuses and President Bush's disastrous State of the Union address, marked the beginning of a dramatic phase-shift in the race for the Presidency. We were aware of the fact that, prior to these events, foolish Republican strategists had bought into the hype that Howard Dean was the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination. Further, senior members of the Republican Party Establishment were giving out assurances that the President's State of the Union address would be the beginning of an obvious step back from the imperial-war-drive insanity of Vice President Dick Cheney and his neo-con minions. In fact, however, in the wake of what would have been a survivable electoral loss in Iowa, Howard Dean staged the equivalent of a psychotic episode on national television, and, on the other side of the equation, the President's State of the Union message was arguably crazier than the previous year's `axis of evil' message. Suddenly, reality struck! Cheney Is the Danger“At a Delaware forum for the national representatives of those seeking the Democratic nomination, I was pleasantly surprised to find that each of the other Democrats, with the sole exception of Joe Lieberman's representative, seemed to have finally come around to the view that indeed, it is Vice President Dick Cheney who represents the real danger inside the Bush Administration. The event was characterized by each campaign, in turn (again, excepting that of Lieberman), applauding the consistent drive by LaRouche's campaign to expose Cheney's pernicious role. “By Sunday, both John Kerry and Wesley Clark attacked Cheney on national television, and a steady stream of attacks against Cheney, from Mr. LaRouche's rivals for the Democratic nomination, from the media, and from Democratic Members of Congress were apparent. “At the outset of this campaign, the Democratic Party simply refused to put up any serious fight against Bush and the Cheneyacs. When Dick Cheney and his friends put up the `beast-man' Arnold Schwarzenegger to challenge the duly elected Democratic Governor of California, Lyndon LaRouche and Bill Clinton were the only Democrats of national stature who were truly willing to enter the fray. In fact, the national party, under the guidance of the Democratic National Committee, actively worked to sabotage efforts to defeat Schwarzenegger, and seemed well on the way to throwing the national Presidential campaign to the GOP. “Increasingly, however, there is a faction inside the Democratic Party that is finally bucking the DNC, and has realized that it must fight to win this election and defeat the Bush-Cheney axis. Increasingly, Democratic Party organizations, as well as what are traditionally Democratic Party-linked constituency groups, are acting in outright defiance of the DNC, and including LaRouche in candidates events. 'Losers' Attack LaRouche Youth“On the other hand, at the same time that LaRouche has catalyzed this all-out fight against Cheney and brought it into the open, emotional tensions are running very high in the `loser' camps. On the night before the New Hampshire vote, LaRouche youth organizers were assaulted by goons at separate events sponsored by the flailing campaigns of Howard Dean and Joe Lieberman respectively. These attacks gained national attention when comedian Al Franken's eyeglasses were broken, when he assaulted a LaRouche volunteer who was attempting to ask Howard Dean a question at an election-eve town meeting. These goon attacks are coming from the two candidates who are least likely to still be around several weeks from now, while the more sane Democratic candidates are beginning to afford Lyndon LaRouche the respect that he deserves. “Lieberman's announcement, the morning after his stinging loss in New Hampshire, that he is staying in the race, is widely perceived to be tantamount to his dropping out. And Howard Dean, who is managing to hang on with large infusions of cash from George Soros, made yet another disastrous move by handing the reins of his campaign to Roy Neel, the `brains' behind Gore's disastrous Y2K bid for the Presidency. “Today, the LaRouche campaign is gearing up for the next round of primaries--Feb. 3 through March 2--which include Delaware, Arizona, Okalahoma, and Missouri (Feb. 3), Tennessee and Virginia (Feb. 10), Wisconsin (Feb. 17), and California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont (March 2), with the first of a new series of 30-minute TV spots, the first of which will air in St. Louis.” - 30 -