LaRouche in 2004 Press Release LaRouche Visits Utah: This 'on the ground' report was written by campaign supporter L. Wolfe. Democratic Presidential contender Lyndon LaRouche told an enthusiastic audience of more than 260 people at a campaign event here Feb. 24 that he is the political figure most feared by the financier oligarchy, because at this moment of impending doom of the global monetary system, he is the only person who knows what to do, and who has the guts to stand up to them. LaRouche explained that none of the other candidates has the potential to be more than an “office boy” for the bankers, to carry out their orders for a fascist financial reorganization, plunging this country and the world into the nightmare of a New Dark Age. The battle, said LaRouche, will be to mobilize the unique power of the U.S. Constitution and the office of the Presidency to solve this crisis in the interests of the people, not the bankers--just as FDR used these powers some 70 years earlier to neutralize the powers of the financiers; this time, the candidate stated, we will eliminate once and for all the ability of the financiers to place their power above the government of the people. Democratic CorruptionLaRouche made his appearance in Utah on the day Democrats were holding their primary. Despite the obvious widespread support and interest in his campaign, evidenced by the packed ballroom at the Sheraton City Centre, the corrupt party leadership, following orders from the bankers' toadies on the Democratic National Committee, had excluded him from the ballot. LaRouche decided to paricipate in the primary process through a direct dialogue with the Utah voters, accepting the invitation of his supporters in the state, and of popular radio talkshow host Jack Stockwell, to appear in Salt Lake City. In his introduction of LaRouche at the event, Stockwell, a self-professed independent, described LaRouche's profound educational influence on him, causing him to reexamine his own assumptions about history. It comes down to a basic concept, Stockwell said: “Is man the child of God? Or is man a creature to be husbanded with the rest of the beasts of the field? And no one has ever personified, or made clear in my mind, that difference, more than Mr. LaRouche....” At the event, and at an earlier press conference, LaRouche explained that, despite the best efforts of the bankers to rig the current Presidential selection process to give them an “office boy” as President, those efforts are about to blow up. Some time between now and the Democratic convention in Boston, the financial system will blow out, causing voters to change the way they think about a candidate's qualification to lead. The race will boil down to two serious candidates--himself and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass). Kerry, said LaRouche, is a decent fellow, but is woefully ignorant on economics, and thus incapable of resisting the bankers. If the collapse comes, and I am excluded from the selection process, if the bankers like Lazard Freres' Felix Rohatyn and others continue to advise Kerry to stay away from me, LaRouche warned, then the Democrats could blow this election to Bush--with the disaster for the world that this implies. Defeating Preventive Nuclear WarLaRouche provided his audience with a tour of history leading to the present crisis, including the history of the “preventive nuclear war” doctrine now espoused by Vice President Dick Cheney. This is policy for a new global fascist imperium that would lead to the destruction of our Republic and worse: “The United States does not have the ability presently, to conduct the kind of wars which Cheney is getting us into. The case of what is happening in Iraq, is simply an example of that, which all professional military that I know of, have warned against.... This kind of warfare is called 'asymmetric warfare.' And, we're now in a period--what you're seeing is the world is moving toward a new wave of asymmetric warfare, sometimes called by some people, `people's warfare.' This time, it's nuclear warfare, with nuclear weapons and very sophisticated weapons added in. If we continue on this policy, the way we've done in the past several years, then world civilization will disappear. We would plunge into global asymmetric warfare, in which a calculated loss of life would be in the billions. You would create a Dark Age on this planet, over some time, over a generation or so. You would expect the human population to drop to less than 1 billion: This is what we're afraid of, those of us in Washington who are serious....” The issues of military policy and the economic collapse are related, LaRouche said. The Synarchist fascist Beast-Man Cheney has been unleashed by a faction of the financial oligarchy as their response to the crisis. They resist a human solution to the crisis that would either diminish their power, or even take it away, as I propose, he said. They will kill the world to save their pieces of worthless paper. I am the only one who will resist them in an effective way, LaRouche said; I am their worst enemy. The Right To Be Human“We have a right to be human,” LaRouche said. “We have a right to maintain the welfare of our people. And to protect it against all contingencies, including bad bankers. We have an obligation to promote the education, and welfare, and development, of our children and others, in such a way that they can find a way in which to express, in a meaningful sense, to express their immortality: their connection to what went before them that was good; and their connection to what they are going to help bring into being in the future.... “We, therefore, with our Presidency, which is the best Constitutional form of government in the world--when we use it that way--have the power to deal with any crisis; that is, any crisis within the means of man. We can take leadership in changing things. We can mobilize ourselves to act, in a way to correct our errors, even the errors of the past 40 years, and say, 'It was a mistake. We're going to correct the mistake.' We have the influence, as an example, to reach out to other nations, if we treat them properly, to influence them. And to get them to join us, in making those great reforms in institutions of this planet, which will ensure the well-being of humanity. “That's what we are. There is no other nation on this planet which, so far, has that Constitutional legacy that we have. What we must do is, we as a people must demand, especially for times of crisis, that we select leaders, especially Presidents of our Republic, who have the capacity to express the obligations inherent in that conception of our Constitutional system. We're now in such a time. If we do, then, from what I know of the world, from what I know of the problems in countries, in Europe, Russia, for example, or some situations in Africa, South and Central America, we have the potential, I know, that if I were President of the United States at this moment, as of tonight, that the governments in Europe would immediately take certain actions in anticipation of what I was as President” going to do. “Governments, if they thought I was going to be nominated, would also tend to move in that direction, and change their ways, on the basis of that. “The United States' great power, is not its physical power--that's important, but it's not its great power. Its great power is its inherent moral authority on this planet, by virtue of the process which created this nation and its Constitution. And our job is to awaken to that reality. And, to also realize that the objective of leadership, is not to exert power, though that's necessary in leadership, but to make people happy, in the sense that Leibniz described: Is, to give the nation a sense of purpose and direction, that we are doing something in our time, in our generation, that whatever happens to us, what we do, will be of a benefit to future generations, and will be considered honorable by our ancestors.” His remarks were greeted with a standing ovation from an audience that spanned generations, from the very old to the very young, and included several families. Most were brought there by the efforts of a vigorous campaign organization in the state; others came from the “buzz” created by discussion of LaRouche, pro and con, that had dominated talk radio for the last few weeks, or from one-minute ads on the radio produced by the campaign. Given the chance, they tested the mind of LaRouche for more than an hour, with a wide range of queries. Most left smiling; the only ones who didn't were the handful who had come to “show up” LaRouche, but found themselves unable even to formulate a relevant question. - 30 -