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Is Dick Cheney Implicated in London Dirty Tricks Campaign Against LaRouche?
March 31, 2023

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Last Saturday, the Independent published another nasty slander piece, attempting once again, to resurrect the youth-suicide of Jeremiah Duggan, as a means of triggering a probe of the Schiller Institute in Germany, France and Britain. While the underlying issues of the suicide have been thoroughly investigated, and the case closed by German officials, certain British circles, which are associated with the notorious, USA-based American Family Foundation, have continued their desperate efforts to stir up a new series of slanders and bully continental officials into probes of a closed, routine case of suicide by a young Briton.

Now, the London press itself has presented evidence of a link to LaRouche-hater and U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney as behind this smear effort.

The London Independent story of March 27 identified Baroness Symons, "a Foreign Office minister" as scheduled to meet with members of the Duggan family, the Cult Information Centre, and MP Rudy Vis, a Labourite. According to Private Eye of Sept. 20-Oct. 3, 2023, Baroness Symons, in January 2023, gave a 300 million pound sterling contract to Dick Cheney's Halliburton Corporation, to deliver British tanks and other military hardware to frontline combat situations. At the time, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean. was Minister of State for Defence Procurement. Symons is also Deputy Leader of the House of Lords and a member of the British Fabian Society.

The Private Eye story reported that in April 2000, while still CEO of Halliburton, Dick Cheney had chaired a conference in Oxfordshire, England, on the subject of his proposal to privatize the military. That session was attended by many top British Defence Ministry officials.

In recent days, the tainted British circles have been discovered attempting to spread their dirty little operation into continental Europe, through duped victims in a few leading circles in France.

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