LaRouche in 2004
P.O. Box 730
Leesburg, VA 20178

Press Release
Contact: Angela Vullo
Telephone: 1-800-929-7566

LaRouche And Kerry Campaign In Arkansas

May 13 Democratic Presidential candidates Lyndon LaRouche and John Kerry both campaigned in the state of Arkansas, during the week of May 10-14, in the build-up toward the May 18 Democratic Presidential primary. The two, plus Democrat Dennis Kucinich, are the only ones on the ballot in this election.

For both it was the second trip of this election season to Arkansas. But there the similarity ends.

Kerry, as the presumptive nominee, gave a speech at the Little Rock Airport, attended a fund-raiser at the Peabody Little Rock Hotel, and spoke at a campaign event on health care. He appeared with leading Democrats from the state, former candidate Wesley Clark, and former U.S. Senator David Pryor, and stressed his desire to get to know Arkansas. His message concentrated on the need to make America "strong" domestically.

Kerry passed up a scheduled televised candidates' debate in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in order to attend the $1,000-a-plate fundraiser.

By contrast, LaRouche spent his time in Arkansas addressing and discussing with representatives of the "lower 80 percent" of income brackets, among them members of the civil rights movement, and representatives of the farm and industry sector. LaRouche addressed the Christian Ministerial Alliance in Little Rock, and was the keynote speaker at a reception hosted by State Representative Joyce Elliott. At both events, and at a well-attended press conference in Little Rock, LaRouche stressed the two key strategic issues of the day: the onrushing world depression, and the strategic disaster in Iraq. He presented his LaRouche doctrine for getting out of the Iraq disaster, and also his FDR-style proposal for an economic recovery.

On May 12, LaRouche chose to attend the candidates' debate, where he was interviewed by NBC commentator Don Elkins. Because Kucinich and Kerry both boycotted, LaRouche was interviewed one on one for an hour.

Another clear contrast appears in comparing the headlines of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette articles on Kerry and LaRouche. The Kerry article, published May 13, was headlined: "Kerry stumps in LR, his 2nd trip to state." The LaRouche article was headlined, "LaRouche says Bush 'dumbest' president." Anyone looking for content would know where to turn.

LaRouche had the opportunity at his press conference to show how to deal with the lying filth which the press throws against him. When an NPR reporter decided to let loose with slanders and ask LaRouche if he wasn't a "nut," LaRouche responded, "No, only the people who say that are nuts." LaRouche then reviewed the history of why the leading banking interests who control both parties, fear him, starting with his debate with leading Keynesian Abba Lerner in 1971. After that debate, LaRouche said, the powers that be determined that LaRouche would never get another chance to debate. Thus, leading party events have excluded LaRouche, and included nothing of any importance on the major issues of the day.

The transcripts of LaRouche's leading presentations, and the press conference, are available on his website,

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