Answers From LaRouche

Q: How can you support FDR?

Question: How can thinking like FDR solve the IMF problem? Was it not FDR and his policies of 1933 and 1938, with the declaration of national emergency (which has never been rescinded), and the creation of the UCC, which has undermined the constitution, and brought about the IMF and it's current troubles? Was it not these very policies which created an environment in which the Kissingers, Greenspans and Brzezinkis could flourish?
    While he himself is not totally to blame, is it any wonder that there is hatred of America all over the world? We indeed do have a "Roman style" military/industrial complex, so vast that we now have fostered an "army of occupation" in 139 countries worldwide! We (like the Borg on Star Trek) assimilate entire civilizations. We force our values, our worthless "fiat currency" and our very way of life upon them, whether they want us or not. ("We are the Americans, lower your defenses and surrender your armies, your culture will adapt to service us, resistance is futile.") What surprises me about Sept. 11, is that 1) It took so long to happen, and 2) It was not worse. Do I support the taking of life? NO, but at the same time, what happened did not at all surprise me.
    Was it a coup d'etat? Definitely! When any democratic form of government wants more power, and for its subjects to have less, there must be catastrophic events like the World Trade Center as well as Oklahoma City, so the people become willing to give up their constitutional rights, "bleating like sheep" for more safety and security.
    Do we need to fight, ABSOLUTELY! There was a time when Americans "ROARED LIKE LIONS" for liberty. Now they "bleat like sheep" for security. "Those who are willing to give up their rights for security, deserve neither" (Benjamin Franklin).
    To think like the thug who removed the constitution from our daily lives (FDR) and gave rise to the very IMF of which you speak, I think not. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that all of the actions FDR took are a matter of public record, and can be found in the law library.
                                                           - from January 30, 2023

A: Your (mis)interpretation of the role of FDR's actions, reflects the populist view of social processes which is, unfortunately, more or less a prevalent outlook in the U.S. population. The assumption is, that the people are good, but are fooled by sly misleaders. That is popular opinion, but a profoundly mistaken view of the known history of mankind.

The horrors which occur to a culture, are always rooted in the moral flaw prevalent in that culture, the common moral flaw in the people. As we have seen throughout the Twentieth Century, the U.S. has elected evil choices for President most of the time: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, George H. and W. Bush. Look at the current majority of the U.S. Supreme Court: outrightly evil! Look at the Democratic and Republican parties: despite the number of decent people there, each party as a whole, is, top-down, a pack of worthless rubbish at this time.

I was there, serving overseas, at the moment FDR died. Even at my age, I knew that the replacement of FDR by Truman would be a disaster. I made no mistake; I already understood my nation and its people very well. Thus, I have come to understand that my job is not to follow the opinion of my fellow-citizens, but to lead them out of the disasters inherent in their habitual ways of acting. The world depends upon a minority of its population, who are morally dedicated and rational, to [lead] a majority which "goes along, to get along," and, in the end, usually gets itself into the wrong place.

Our people simply do not believe in principles. They give the name of "principle" to shibboleths, to slogans, which they substitute for the principles they are too lazy, intellectually, to work through. In real politics, one must recognize the problems, such as the presently onrushing disintegration of the present world monetary-financial system. The question is, "How do you change that, in time to save the world from crashing into an economic and social new dark age?" Hard questions must be faced; the solutions must be real solutions, in the sense of the experimentally validated discovery of a universal physical principle. Among the causes for the mistakes which the typical American makes, is his lack of understanding of the meaning of the term universal physical principle. Thus, when he, or she uses the term "political principle," they do not know the meaning of the word; they think the word is a synonym for slogan, motto, or something like that. Since I am the only known, long-range economic forecaster who has been consistently right over more than thirty-five years, what must we think of the opinion of the other guys who have been running the consistently failed experiment all these years?

In the case of FDR, we had a President who saved the U.S. from something like the Adolf Hitler whom FDR's Wall Street enemies had helped to put into power in Germany. He applied the general welfare "cause" for what it was, a scientific principle. He was committed to the principle of the general welfare, and carried out that commitment, more or less, insofar as he was able. The greatest mistake he ever made, was to die in a most untimely fashion.

Nothing illustrates that point more simply, than the firing of MacArthur by President Truman. It was bringing in what has become the currently dominant strategic and military policies of the Kissingers, Brzezinskis, Buckleys, Huntingtons, the Mont Pelerin Society, the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, and so on, which has brought our nation to the verge of self-destruction now. The destruction has been led by the establishment-controlled mass media, including, worst of all, the popular entertainment media, which leads poor duped Americans, or most of them, around by the nose most of the time.

Among the causes for the mistakes which the typical American makes, is his lack of understanding of the meaning of the term universal physical principle. Thus, when he, or she uses the term "political principle," they do not know the meaning of the word; they think the word is a synonym for slogan, motto, or something like that.

Think about it. My websites offer a large number of documents dealing with these issues and their practical application to our situation today. Work through my argument, and then you will probably understand what I have said here. The most
important thing to understand, is the meaning and implications of a universal principle.

Best wishes to you. I shall be thinking of you and your reaction to this.
