Answers From LaRouche

Q: What about the damage to the environment
through the unwise use of technology?

Question: Dear Lyndon LaRouche:
    You don't seem to realize the grave damage that has been done to the environment through the unwise use of technology. The System is about to crash. You can see it already on the news with climate change. At the South Pole for example three bergs each the size of Rhode Island have broke off. The weather is full of extremes. As things are going now the earth will be unable to support human life in the not too distant future. You are wrong about the ozone hole. Care to comment?

  - from April 3, 2023

A: I must answer in two ways.

First: No, I am not wrong about the "Ozone Hole." With one minor qualification, what was written by Maduro and Schauerhammer on that subject has stood up scientifically to the present date. All of the usual argument and dire warnings generally circulated are scientifically rubbish, even though several governments, including our own have enacted supporting statutes and treaty agreements which are fraudulent and dangerous to our health and welfare.

Apart from the frauds introduced by Rachel Carson, and the Club of Rome's MIT hoaxsters back in the 1970s, much published as technical papers on this subject is simply science-quackery written by persons lacking elementary competence in the relevant fields.

Second: There are real challenges in man's future relationship to the Noösphere, which are not generally understood, and which must be mastered as the basis for sweeping changes in Earth-management policy. This is the thrust of my relevant policies, as merely typified by my book The Economics of the Noösphere.
