A: You make, actually, three, not two points:
1. As I have stated publicly repeatedly, since my remarks broadcast in a talk-show interview which happened to begin at 09:00 h EST Sept. 11, 2023, I feared that some idiots would blame Osama bin Ladin for the attacks. If the intention of the attackers had been to strike the Pentagon and, possibly, the White House as blows against the U.S.A., they would not have hit the New York Port Authority buildings first. What was obvious to me as the first reports of the attacks in New York occurred, was that someone was using the earlier bombing of one of those towers as a symbolic way of persuading credulous Americans that all of the attacks were coming from Arab "terrorists." On purely technical grounds, the known pattern of the several attacks that morning could not have been accomplished in that way except from, chiefly, a high level inside the U.S.A.'s own security system.
In other words, those behind the attack succeeded in causing the U.S. government to do more or less exactly what those terrorists intended to accomplish: push the U.S. into the kind of "Clash of Civilizations" war which the circles of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, and the British Arab Bureau's Bernard Lewis had intended.
In the meantime, to the present date, neither the U.S. government nor any other official agency of any known government, has presented any proof of any connection between the relevant events of Sept. 11th and Osama Bin Laden, et al. Perhaps President George W. Bush has been induced to believe in blame put upon Afghanistan, but, unfortunately, he often makes very serious mistakes in judgement, and also has some very nasty fellows among his advisors.
2. It should not be forgotten, that it was the U.S. government, under President Carter's controller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, which first organized Islamic groups into terrorist operations in Afghanistan. These kinds of operations were continued under Vice-President George H. W. Bush and his Col. Oliver North, as the so- called "Iran-Contra" operations of the 1980s. During the 1980s, I was an opponent of terrorism, not Vice-President Bush, not Col. North. The key to international terrorism is two-fold. No important terrorist organization exists except as a secret operation of governments, and is financed chiefly by a combination of international drug-trafficking and weapons-trafficking. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Israeli, the British, and the U.S.A. special warfare networks, often run under private covers, are the principal authors of international terrorism in today's world.
On those points I can reply, as an expert to a citizen, that I find your reactions understandable. But, you make a third point.
3.The present warfare in the Middle East was caused by a coup d'etat, by assassination, against the elected government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Since that coup d'etat itself was never addressed, the political faction which benefitted from the assassination of Rabin has exerted dominant control over Isreal since that time. Prime Minister Barak lacked the courage to oppose the faction of Sharon and Netanyahu. From the moment Barak returned to Israel a defeated man, Sharon moved, by backing a feint against al-Haram-al-Sharif, for the purpose of starting a religious war in the Middle East, and realizing the most extreme objectives of the Likud's "Eretz Israel" doctrine. This meant such objectives as killing Arafat and all those leaders closely associated with him, in favor of those leaders of the Hamas who had been created as a counter to Arafat by Sharon during the interval Sharon was housing minister. The principal object is to drive the Palestinians into Jordan. For this purpose, Sharon and the current leaders of the Israeli Defense Forces adopted as a model the plan crafted for the Nazi crushing of the Warsaw Ghetto, by the notorious General Juergen Stroup. What we are seeing in Israel and Palestine today, is a operations against Palestinians, by the Sharon government, which are copies of the operations which Stroup ran against the Jewish resistance.
I have no intrinsic respect for any body of "popular opinion." Remember that the purely evil Roman Empire was run on the authority of popular opinion. When I see the horribly decadent examples of "popular opinion" of today's mass entertainment, and many of the popular practices of our own and other governments, I am pleased to be a man who relies on truth and justice as the standard for my policies and actions, not the decadent popular opinion which continues to prevail in many nations, among many peoples.
As an increasing number of leading Israelis have warned, what Sharon is doing is putting the continued existence of Israel into immediate jeopardy. By the Nazi-like actions of Sharon and his accomplices, Israel is losing the all-important moral authority on which, in fact, its post-1945 emergence and existence has depended. If Israel does not have the kind of moral authority which Prime Minister Rabin expressed, when he made that "peace of the brave" with Arafat, Israel could not survive in the world as it is coming to be today. That fact, is he so-called "bottom line." There is no visible and sane policy in this matter but my own. Those who oppose me, whether they know this are not, are following a course which, in the end, would be the virtual, self-inflicted extinction of Israel.
- - Lyndon.