Q: Question on how to stop Sharon |
Question: Dear Mr. LaRouche, American teenagers and young students have gone to Ramallah, Bethlehem, and other refugee camps since Thursday of last week to act as human shields to stop the Israeli genocide against unarmed men , women, children, the aged , the sick, the infirm and the wounded. The Israeli have cut off deliveries of food and water to the refugee camps and are shooting anyone who moves out of their homes or out of stores or out of hospitals. It is a siege. It is slaughter according to eyewitness emails and cell phone calls to U.S. Magazines and activists. At the highest levels in the U.S. government a decision has apparently been made to attack Palestinian refugees, and let the war expand soon to Lebanon, Syria , Jordan and Iraq . The goal is to control these countries by an occupying Israeli army using conventional weapons. The U.S. policy makers know that despite the peace proposal on the table, if it is ignored, the Israeli's can declare war and move with impunity to occupy Baghdad. Then the US will control oil in both the middle east and Russia. Arab armies have never been able to prevail over the Israeli's; it is worth the calculated risk to win all to take the chance on war. No one will stop it. Congress and Senators are complicit in this policy. The clash of civilizations will roll out soon. If children acting as human shields cannot shame Sharon, who can? - from April 8, 2023 |
A: Your expressed concerns are in the right direction, but, for the purpose of trying to avert the worst, some details require some qualification. 1. The crucial problem is that, presently, it appears that only the U.S.A. would be capable of preventing the coming week's continuing butchery by the Israeli government; but, President Bush is, so far, hysterically non-functional, and, effectively, a captive of the worst madmen in his own administration. 2. However, this assessment of the Bush administration is shared by some leading circles in European nations, and in many other parts of the world. There is very heavy pressure on the Bush administration from Europe, for example. Currently, that pressure is sufficient that Bush has just indicated publicly that he is allowing Sharon one more week of butchering Palestinians before the U.S. must act to force Israel to stop the bloodshed. 3. However, the present world situation as a whole is, at the moment, unpredictable. At no time during the past half-century has there been such a widespread condition of moral and political, as well as mounting financial bankruptcy among the leading nations of Europe and the Americas. Italy's P.M. appears, relatively, a towering political genius when compared with the governments of the U.S.A. and Europe generally. The problem is, that the generally accepted sets of policies which have been accumulated as changes over the recent thirty-five-odd years simply do not work any longer in the real universe. The moral bankruptcy of most of the leading governments of Europe and of the U.S.A., and other places, today, reflects the fact that none of those governments are prepared to take courses of action which could bring crises under control, because that would mean reversing the policy-making trends which have created this accumulation of combined monetary, financial, economic, social, moral, and political crises. 4. Since they will not bend, it were probably that they will break, instead. 4. It is only as the breaking-point is actually reached, or nearly so, that any combination of relevant governments will find the will to make the needed changes in their policy-shaping parameters. 5. Therefore, I have corresponding, exceptional responsibilities for providing the needed quality of leadership. I have accepted that responsibility, and continue to push forward accordingly, expecting that some leaders inside and outside the U.S.A. will find the courage to join me in the effort. |