A: No actual evidence has been presented to support that story about FDR and Pearl Harbor. The relevant facts are as follows; it is the omission of those facts which shows us that the myth you have heard about FDR and Pearl Harbor was a clearly intended fallacy of composition: in other words, a lie.
- The Japan attack on Pearl Harbor was planned as part of a joint British-Japan plan for destroying U.S. naval and maritime power. This plan was dated to no later than the naval-power treaty of the 1920s, in which Britain and Japan were allied against the U.S.A. The subject of that attack was featured, by General Billy Mitchell, during the court-martial proceedings against him.
- This plan came to the fore in June 1940, at the time that the pro-Hitler faction in the U.K. was leaning, together with defeated France, for a strategic partnership among Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Japan, for both a.) an immediate conquest of the Soviet Union, and b.) A subsequent attack by the combined naval forces of Britain, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan, upon the U.S.A.
- Churchill, then Defence Secretary of Britain, led those in Britain who were opposed to submitting to the imperial authority of Nazi Germany in such an anti-U.S. alliance; Churchill et al. collaborated with FDR to prevent Britain itself from becoming part of the same Nazi-dominated system as Laval's and Petain's France. Thus, the war went on, but the possibility of a Nazi-led world empire was already a lost cause, in principle, at that time.
- However, there was a faction, centered around the Mellon- Dupont-Morgan cabal, inside the U.S., who had supported Hitler's rise to power, but who, later, with Churchill, came around to allying the British Empire with the U.S. rather than submitting to world-rule by a continental world imperial power. This included the faction, inside the U.S. military, toward whom Marine General Smedley Butler pointed, in his exposing, to the U.S. Congress, the Mellon- Dupont-Morgan plot for a 1934 fascist military coup against President Roosevelt.
- Under those circumstances, it would be absurd to assume that Roosevelt was complicit in the negligent behavior of relevant elements of the Pacific command in the lack of preparation for the Pearl Harbor attack.
The issue of Pearl Harbor came back to the surface again, implicitly, in July-August 1944, after the British had prevented the German military surrender then by exposing the July plotters to Himmler's SS and Gestapo. The nomination of Truman, to replace Wallace, as Vice-President, and the launching of the strategic terror-bombing, by Churchill's Lindemann, et al., against civilian population-center targets of an implicitly defeated German, followed by the needless fire-bombing of Tokyo and the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, showed that MacArthur's and Eisenhower's adversaries in the U.S. and British military establishments, were still influential in 1944-45, as they had been in the days of the early 1930s Mellon-Dupont-Morgan plots.
- The mistake in all connect-the-dots intelligence theories, is that they substitute a post hoc ergo propter hoc concoction of childishly simplistic sorts of populist conspiracy-theories for scientific method. History, as part of our universe, is not a collection of percussively interacting dots, but a process, in which principles, akin to Kepler's discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, not "percussive" interactions, control the unfolding process. For example, for this reason, I am, on the public record, the world's only successful long-range economic forecaster of the recent four decades.
But, that leads to another long story, about the principles of scientific investigation. That I have address, frequently, at great length, in other locations.
- - Lyndon.