Answers From LaRouche

What can we expect with the new changes
in National Security policy?

  - from November 2, 2023 East Coast Cadre School

Question: [very faint, off mic] How're you doing Mr. LaRouche. I was wondering, why when you were bringing down the [inaud] ... going on, in Latin America, why didn't you mention the CIA, and like how they treated the national security, as far as, [inaud]... Agent Orange; I mean, just all types of other atrocities. And like, this new national security, is this like a modified SS. What're are we to expect?

LaRouche: What I've said, in my remarks today, on what happened in the post-war period, in 1944: That the Bertrand Russell crowd created this Utopian movement, which aimed to set up a fascistic, world empire, which was actually given the technical name of "international fascism." It's the movement that Henry Kissinger's associated with, among others.

So, this movement, in the post-war period, is part of the fight within the U.S. intelligence services, the military, and so forth; this group set up, under Allen Dulles, a unit of the Department of Defense--not the CIA--the Department of Defense, which was called the "special warfare section"; special warfare organization. It was intended to be a fourth branch of military service--the secret branch. This is the spook stuff.

So, out of the quartermaster section of the special warfare division, virtually out of a desk drawer, you would have every hobgoblin, and ghost, and monster in Creation, was operating for the U.S. government, in a special warfare capacity. And this had various names, but it was all the same. This was not the CIA. It was a different organization. So, when people talk about the CIA, they say, "The CIA did this"; "the CIA did this," like Maxine Waters--she doesn't know what she's talking about. It's not the CIA, but it is this unit, which is a section of the U.S. military--not the regular services, but the special warfare divison.

For example: Today, under Bush, you have this operation with Rumsfeld; in the State Department, you have kooks--absolutely, wild-eyed kooks!--who are running divisions of government, coming up with propaganda on the Middle East and other things--all lies; no truth to it--manufacturing it, and trying to run the government, with something like Heinrich Himmler's SS, as a parallel government, inside the real government.

This is the thing I fought against, in 1982-83, in particular, and afterward: on drug wars and other things. This is what they call Oliver North. The Mo-o-o-n-i-e-s! again, funded CAUSA. The Moonies are the bankroller of Iran-Contra, or the most important ones. The Moonies control the extreme right wing in the United States. So, if you want to get rid of this problem, you have to get rid of the Moonies!

How do you get rid of the Moonies? You expose them for what they are, as a lunatic sex-and-money cult. And that's the problem. We've exposed this many times. I've exposed this stuff, in Central America--I got into big trouble over this thing. I've exposed it, all over the world. It has not been unexposed. Other people have done exposures. They're exposed: The press doesn't expose it! Why? Because, the leading press in the United States, is controlled by the same faction. The Washington Post, the Washington Times. The Los Angeles Times. They have some differences among them. The Moonie Times: They're all controlled. The television media--it's controlled!

So, people say, "But the media says..."; "but popular opinion says...." So, when we go out, and tell the truth, and reveal everything that needs to be revealed, people say, "Well, I don't know about that. I have to go by what the media tells me"! And, the problem in this country is not the CIA: It's the blasted media! Because the media controls the mind of our people, because they establish what the fools out there call, "Well, I have to go along with popular opinion."

And, that's what the problem is. This has never lacked exposure. There could be more exposure: I could expose it all day long; I've got more of this all the time, I just don't get a chance, or the occasion to put it out. But we're putting it out all the time. So, there's not a lack of that: It's people say, "Maybe what you say is true, but maybe it isn't, because the media doesn't agree with you." And, what happened, what kills you, is, every time you expose something like this, people say, "Well, the media doesn't agree with you. Therefore I don't agree with you." Therefore, people don't mobilize to wipe it out. We could wipe this out quick. It's not a problem. And, with my friends in Central and South America, and a few other places, we could really wipe it out--I'm prepared to do so. I just need the opportunity.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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