Answers From LaRouche

How can you distinguish between truth and myth,
in reference to religion?

  - from November 16, 2023 West Coast Cadre School

Question: Good day, Mr. LaRouche. I am from Los Angeles, and my question is: In the process of discovery, how can you distinguish between truth and myth, in reference to religion?

LaRouche: Ah, that's what I do all the time!

I've laid it out in this paper recently, exactly that. You stick to what you know. Don't assert anything you don't know. Don't assert something because you were taught it. Assert only what you know. And if you're asked about something else, say, “Well, I don't know.” Or if you do know it's wrong, you say, “ Well, in my belief, it's wrong.” But generally you emphasize, what I know is the following.

Now you start from very elementary principles, as I do: What is the difference between man and a monkey? I'll bet you a lot of Republicans couldn't tell you. They wouldn't know the difference. And you can tell by their marriage habits, they probably don't know the difference. So, that's the difference between man and a monkey: this cognitive power.

Because this is a power, an efficient physical power, in the universe, unique; not found in any beast, not found in so-called abiotic nature. This power is a universal physical power in the universe: the power of cognition. This tells you that the universe is organized. The fact that we can discover a principle, and control the universe to that degree, like the principle of gravitation, for example. Or the principles of least action, or quickest path. Or the principles of the fundamental theorem of algebra, of Gauss. We control universal processes, as a willful act of mankind, through these discoveries. Thus we know that these discoveries are true, because we discovered them, we are able to validate them experimentally, in a way which shows they have a universal character--therefore, we know it.

Therefore, we know the universe is organized that way.

Well, what's the organization of the universe? It's God. The will of God. As Kepler says, the intention, God's intention, determines gravitation. That you know.

There are other things you know. You know, for example--the case of Christ. And it becomes clear when you look at this crazy Moonie--this actually Satanic cult--it's an anti-Christ cult, the Moonies. His doctrine is, that sex is God. He is the god of sex, and his job is to breed women, and men, by sex. And to control sexual behavior, and to create a religion of sex--and also money. Wealth and sex.

We've seen this before. This is the classical gnostic cult form, from the First Century A.D. this kind of stuff. One gnostic would say: Christ did not die, he went off and married Mary Magdalene; they went off to Tibet and made a race of people. That's one gnostic cult. Another gnostic cult says, no, Christ failed. That's Moon. And Moon says, “I'm God.” And he publishes statements saying, “I'm quoting God,” and God is saying, according to Moon, “Moon is my man.” And Jesus is saying, “I failed. Moon is the guy who's going to do what I failed to do.” That is religion? Well, it's the anti-Christ doctrine.

And it's pretty filthy stuff on top of it. I mean, the biggest dope peddlers we know of, the biggest single group of dope-peddlers we know of, are the Moonies. They are also a rightwing fascist organization, which were created--

During the Korean war, you had two groups in Korea. One group had fought against the Japanese occupation of Korea. The other group had been agents of the Japanese in Korea. The group in Japan, for whom the latter group had been agents, were revived by the United States and Britain, at the outbreak of the Korean War. And the Koreans, with the backing of these Japanese, who had been part of the former policy, set up an organization with the intent to control Korea. This organization was reflected in what became known as the KCIA, now nominally headed by Bo Hi Pak, Colonel Bo Hi Pak. And they picked up this bum, a brainwashed bum, out of the prisoner, political prisoner camps, of North and South Korea, a bum who had actually been indicted and convicted of child-molesting on a large scale. Sexual child-molesting. And they made him a religious figure. on the model of the Bertrand Russell-H.G. Wells Moral Rearmament movement.

This became the integral part, from Korea, of an international organization, which is international fascism today. It's racist, it's fascist, it's drug-pushers, it's corruption, it's everything of that type. And it's the anti-Christ.

So, therefore, when you're faced with something like that, you say, “Well, I know. This is not a question of a difference of opinion. I know. I know what kind of a beast this is, what it represents.” It's a denial of the difference between man and the beast. When you say that the sex act defines man, as opposed to reason, you're degrading man to a beast. If you say God is based on this principle, then you're degrading God to a beast. And that's pretty nasty stuff. It's dangerous stuff. I don't think God would like it very much, actually. I'd do something about it.

But that's the nature of the situation. So, therefore, my point on this: Stick to what you know, in a scientific sense, to be true. And it's also possible to apply that method to know certain religious things.

For example, did Christ die uselessly? Did Christ die for mankind? Of course, he did. Did he die to rescue mankind from evil? Yeah, from the Roman Empire. Did he sacrifice himself for that? Yes. How? He sacrificed himself exactly as described by Socrates.

Socrates had the ability to leave Athens, after this frame-up trial, and not die. He said, “I will not abandon Athens. I will accept the death penalty, rather abandoning my country.” He died for his people. Witness the Apology and so forth, and the question of the immortality of the soul, as presented by Plato, and also as discussed by Moses Mendelssohn, deal with exactly that. Now, did this happen? Is this the effect? Of course it is.

Did the image of Christ's sacrifice inspire humanity to overcome the degradation, the satanic degradation, which was the Roman Empire? Absolutely. It was under the inspiration of Christianity, and its reverberations on Islam, and its reverberations in Judaism, which enabled European civilization to develop, as a civilized form. Otherwise, it would not have done. So, therefore, we know, as a matter of fact, that what Christ said his mission was, is what he accomplished. To save mankind.

This is what Jeanne d'Arc, in saving the people of France. Again, the sublime act. You know that your talent, your model talent, is finite; that you're going to die sooner or later. Therefore the question is, your interest in life, is how you should spend it. Not when you should spend it, but how you should spend it. As Martin Luther King did. Martin Luther King walked in the footsteps of Christ. And the reason that the civil rights movement failed, all the leaders around him, the top leaders around him, all failed--every one of them--after he died, is that none of them were willing to walk in the footsteps of Christ, as he was.

So, there are some things we know. And many things we don't know. I'm not worried about what I don't know, not in this matter. I take what I do know, and that's enough for me. And if I claimed any more, I'd be a faker. And I don't intend to become a faker.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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