Answers From LaRouche

What are the chances for implementing a New Bretton Woods System BEFORE you are elected?

  - from April 12, 2023 International Cadre School

Question: My proposal would be: We have entitled our cadre school, “Stop the Imperium Insanum with a New Bretton Woods.” With the war against Iraq, a world empire has been practically installed: my question thus, is, what chances are there for nations like Germany, France, Russia and China to lead the world to a New Bretton Woods? With you in the White House it would be easier, but we need it now! Thank you.

LaRouche: [Laughs] Yes. Absolutely true. Even without the White House.

The first thing you do--I don't know if you've all seen this transmission--I know it's been done in English; I don't know if it's been done in Spanish yet--on “The Children of Satan.” Now, this pamphlet, or pamphlet length, which is on the Internet site--I know in English; I don't know if it's in Spanish yet--this is a compilation of several pieces, including one by me, on the question of the issue of the authors, inside the United States, who have authored this imperial policy of warfare--of international fascism, world fascism, is what it really is called. And so, much of the questions in this direction should probably refer to the content of that report, entitled, “The Children of Satan.”

Now, I'll add one thing to it, which is extremely important. I referred to it earlier, but just in case you have not read that report, let me just summarize it here, as part of the answer.

You have a group whose birth was in Nazi Germany, or pre-Nazi Germany, but from the same sources as the Nazis. They were existentialists. They are typified by a man who became a professor at the University of Chicago, who came from Marburg, Germany--Leo Strauss. Now this group of people were trained under Strauss, in successive generations: There's now a total of four generations. These are the people who are the controlling influence, the so-called Neo-Cons, the Chickenhawks, who are controlling the President of the United States, currently, in the war policy just expressed by the war against Iraq. These people are fascists; they intend to set up a world fascist system, with all of the evil qualities of Hitler's fascism, but going a bit further.

Now, what the pamphlet does, is describe these people, and the thing to bear in mind is the ideology. People often look at something and say, “These people are bad because they do this, A; they do that, B; they do this,” and so forth. That's not the way to understand evil. That may define bad acts, objectionable acts, but that doesn't tell you what evil is. Because evil is something deeper than simply bad practices or bad habits. It's a state of mind, a desire to do evil.

Now, where this particular kind of evil came from, it came out of, in particular, the ancient cult of Dionysus in ancient Greece; but it came more specifically, more immediately, from the aftermath of Napoleon Bonaparte's dictatorship (we could probably compare him to Maximillian, who was one of the successors to Napoleon Bonaparte, in a very meaningful way). But, Hegel, in the success of Napoleon at the Battle of Jena-Auerstadt, became a Romantic enthusiast for Napoleon Bonaparte, and made a theory, which he developed, based on his almost sexual obsession, admiration for Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor. This became Hegel's theory of the state and of history. In Hegel's state, came the idea of “the end of history”: that is, a stage of mankind where history stops; that is, the development of mankind, in the historical sense, ceases, and a fixed world order comes into existence, a permanent world order of mankind, which we call today, fascism. That is Hegel's theory of the state.

Now Nietzsche's theory of the state and society is an elaboration of Hegel's, which is based on this idea of the “superman,” a man who comes in a period of great crisis for humanity, is able to seize power in humanity, by committing an act so monstrous, so evil, that humanity gets down on the ground and begs for survival at his mercy. This is the mentality of the people around Leo Strauss. This is the mentality of the Chickenhawk crowd. This is what we're up against--not just ordinary corruption, but this kind of evil, which you've seen manifested in the pushing for the war against Iraq, against the United Nations, and so forth and so on.

So that's our key problem.

What we have to do therefore, is we have to understand the state of mind of this kind of evil, not just to observe this evil. We have to understand how it works. We have to recognize it. We have to recognize what kind of behavior it generates, and where that comes from. And therefore, when we produced this report, it was to show people not that the Bush Administration is bad, or that the people controlling Bush presently are bad--that's one thing. The point is, we have in society, we've had for a long period of time, a nest within the U.S., which has produced four generations of Utopians, all headed in this direction, who have gotten increasing power in our universities, increasing power in our institutions, but are now a bunch of lackeys, academic-type lackeys, who control the government of the United States, from the top. It's a small group, relatively speaking, which could be pushed out of power rather quickly. But we have to understand what the nature of this enemy is, and we have to understand what is wrong with society, that society allows such an evil to come into such prominence, and to gain such influence.

That is one of the functions which I've projected for the youth movement, in the case of the Gauss: That if you understand what this Gauss issue is, as it is expressed in the 1799 paper, as it echoes the propositions developed by Archytas, and by Plato earlier, on the question of the elementary principles of physical geometry, then, you get a sense of how the human mind is organized. And the secret of real politics is to understand one's own mind, and the mind of others, by understanding how the mind is organized, how the human mind is organized, as distinct from the animal mind. And that's what's crucial. That's what I hope we can get across in the process of discussion of the youth movement, as opposed to what normal politics are considered to be.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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