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Answers From LaRouche

What do you think of the Verichip?

  - from June 27, 2023 International Cadre School

Question: I don't know if you're familiar with the Verichip. It's some kind of help p this thing going through the Food and Drug Administration. It keeps medical records. It's an implant, I guess, into the human body. I don't know what you think about that.

[audience comment: It's a way of keeping your medical records on a computer chip, that they actually inject into your body and then scan it to pull up your medical records].

LaRouche: I mean, there may be cases where something like that is needed, but certainly not for brain function. You see what it did for George Bush. I mean, he got all that cocaine and alcohol and so forth, and grew his own chip. And then he got beaten to death by some religious fundamentalist, and that didn't help one bit.

Well, there are cases where we have such things as pacemakers and other kinds of instrumentalities which are inserted to help regulate problems of physiological functions of the body. Sometimes these are necessary, especially in the short term, if you don't know what to do about the problem and that's all you've got. But whatever has to do with the human mind, is a matter of social relations and not electromechanical ones. Now heart pacemakers and other kinds of things which may be necessary on medical prescription, but we have a society which for example, compulsory drugging of students. The so-called Attention Deficit Disorder problem. This is a crime against humanity! The very diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder is a crime. If you have a student with Attention Deficit Disorder, the solution should be to fire the teacher. What do you expect? You're boring the kid to death. You're rehearsing him, training him according to program. You're not fascinating him. You're not interesting him. You're not giving the young fellow some chance to get connected.

Now, you also have problems, which may be called Attention Deficit Disorder, which have to do with community and family problems, and not sleeping. If the father is beating the mother every night, this may cause an attention deficit disorder in school the following day. A tough neighborhood can cause the shakes and difficulty in concentration, but this is not cured by drugs. This is cured by finding out what the condition is and addressing the condition. There may be cases where someone is so disturbed that they may actually need some pharmacological therapy to simply control something that's bothering them, but it's not going to help them in terms of their education. And sticking chips in people to modify their behavior, in general, is contraindicated. It's bestiality. This is Brave New World stuff. This is Orwellian nonsense and nightmares.

What we need, what you need, is a sense of entry into the reality of civilized human life. The opportunity to participate in life in a meaningful way. What you need is a sense of happiness about being yourself, picking something you enjoy in terms of a learning knowledge experience, and using that as a lever to get inside the educational process. And then gives you a point of reference for later. It's a kind of benchmark to find your way into other things. And also social environment. Friends and groups of friends, who are engaged in just knowing things, sharing knowledge, sharing the experience of solving problems, and discussing them. It's a social environment which brings out the best of anyone who participate in it. It's like a good school. People like a good school, because it's a place to be happy. It's a place where young people are happy. They're happy to go to school because they come to know something, they have friends, they get into discussions and fights and disagreements about things, ideas. They have a sense that they are growing, that they're maturing. That they're going someplace. And they want those kinds of friendships.

You know, take the ghetto kid who lives in a place which is hell, the whole neighborhood is hell. And the school is often a refuge from the hell in the street. Walking through the hell of gang warfare in the street, for example. That kind of environment. And you find the place you go to where you have what you consider really normal human relations with people of your own peer group, or others. And you enjoy it. Because it's not brutal, it's human. And what you should seek in life is just that. I don't like this, this insertion of chips into people. It's too much like George Orwell's nightmare. We don't need it.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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