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Answers From LaRouche Q: Why did FDR allow the internment of Japanese and how do you see the comparison with the Patriot Act of today? - from June 27, 2023 International Cadre School |
Question: Hello, I'm a recent graduate of Drexel University. Recently, I read and hear comparisons made between pre-World War II Germany, and events occurring in America, today. I would like to get your thoughts on a similar topic: Earlier, you mentioned FDR. And, before you arrived, we watched a taped speech, in which you discussed FDR, in more depth. I would like to get your thoughts on how, after the Japanese attack, FDR allowed the internment of thousands of American citizens of Japanese descent; and comparatively, after the recent attack, there was a passage of bills, such as the U.S.A. Patriot Act, that was railroaded through Congress? Thank you. LaRouche: Okay, well, look at the totality of the picture, from this. There's a little-understood aspect of that part of history--the whole span, leading up to today. You don't understand today's living history, now, unless you understand the truth about that period of history: Coming out of the Versailles system, which was a horror-show, you had a faction in Europe, which then called itself the Synarchists, whose origins are traced directly to Napoleon Bonaparte, and which became known as Fascists, with the establishment of the Mussolini regime, by the French Synarchists. These Synarchists were essentially a group of private bankers, typified by Lazard--you know, the banking house Lazard, in France, which is now the key bank in New York: Felix Rohatyn's bank. And Felix Rohatyn is one of the chief officials, of the Democratic Leadership Council--my enemy. In other words, we have fascist neo-conservatives, controlling the Democratic National Committee, through the DLC. These fascists, who are controlling the top of the Democratic Party organization, not necessarily the Democrats in the Congre ss and so forth, but this part--are the same thing, as the fascists associate with Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the neo-conservatives. They're exactly the same people. And, there's more to that, but that introduces the case. All right. So, what we had, is, then, 1928-1933, we had a situation in the world, especially in Europe, which was comparable to the international economic situation today. The system of that time, which was the Versailles financial-monetary system, was collapsing, was in a terminal phase of systemic collapse, because of the way it was constructed. Just as now, the present IMF monetary-financial system, is the stage of terminal collapse. Now, under these circumstances, then as now, the same group of people, called the Synarchists, then, and the Synarchists, now--sometimes called neo-conservatives--run by bankers from behind the scenes, some of the same bankers behind Hitler, now, as then; and sometimes they're called "socialists," "neo-conservatives," etc., etc. What they said to themselves, is this: The financial system is going to collapse. What we have in the United States, and in Germany at that time, through a certain Wilhelm Lautenbach, a doctor of economics, who was one of the leading economic thinkers of Germany, who in 1931, presented a report on how to deal the Depression, through a program very much like that which Roosevelt conducted from 1933 on. They said, "To avoid that danger, that the general welfare principle will be applied by governments, to reform the financial-monetary system, in order to reverse the effects of economic depression," they said, "we have to stop that." "How do we stop that? With dictatorship." "How do we create a dictatorship?" So, in that way, in January 1933, through financing from the Harriman firm, in New York City, under the direction of Montagu Norman, the former head of the Bank of England--and Harriman was a member of the same firm as Montagu Norman, which was called Brown Brothers Harriman, and the official, who did the job, in this case, was Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the present President of the United States. Prescott Bush, as an executive for Harriman, on the instigation of Montagu Norman, moved money out of the U.S. system, which was then the world's creditor for the Versailles debt; moved it into Germany, to save the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler, which in December of that year, was about to collapse, because they'd lost a major election. Then, through this same operation, through Hjalmar Schacht, who was an agent of Montagu Norman, backed by the Harriman firm, and by the grandfather of the present President of the United States, the then-present Chancellor of Germany was thrown out, through blackmailing of Hindenburg, and Adolf Hitler, on Jan. 30, 1933 was appointed as Chancellor. He was then considered a joke, because he had no real base in the population, and they thought they'd be rid of him soon. But, then, on Feb. 27 of that same year, a fire was set at the Reichstag. Like Sept. 11, 2023, this terrorist event against the Reichstag was used to launch Hitler's dictatorship. Now, in the United States, that didn't quite succeed. But, Dick Cheney, who had had his present policies, and who is a part of this fascist group, explicitly so, moved then. The role of Japan in this is interesting: Modern Japan had been created, essentially by the United States. U.S. intervention, through Henry C. Carey, the leading economist of the world at that time, had caused the Meiji Restoration to create the modern model of industrial Japan: the Japan model, which we know today. But, then, in the 1890s, under the influence of the King of England, or the guy who was about to become the King of England, who was then the Prince of Wales, the Emperor of Japan launched the first of two Sino-Japanese Wars against China: 1894-95. Then, conquered Korea, and then moved on, under British direction, with the collaboration of the President of the United States, President Theodore Roosevelt, to launched the Russo-Japanese War. At this point, Japan was an ally of Britain, against about everybody. Roosevelt's President: Japan launches an attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor was well-known beforehand: You had the case of Gen. Billy Mitchell, who had warned, explicitly in his public trial, that he had developed the idea of carrier-based aircraft bombing of the Japan fleet, as a defense against the Japan war plan, for a naval attack on Pearl Harbor. Now, this was before the Japanese themselves had developed carrier-based aircraft--which they did very quickly after that period. So, the attack on Pearl Harbor was a plan which had been worked out during the early 1920s, between the British monarchy and the government of Japan, for a naval attack on the United States, to weaken the naval power of the United States, to guarantee Japan-British world supremacy in naval power. That's the setting. Now, in this process, the United States, under Roosevelt, was going against Hitler. In 1936, it was apparent to Roosevelt, and to Churchill, that leading circles in France and Germany, were moving for an agreement between the fascists of England, of Germany, and France, for setting up a power, against the United States, in Europe. Churchill went to Roosevelt, with others, and begged for help in Britain's attempt to eliminate the fascist forces, which were taking power behind people like Lord Halifax in London, at the time. Edward VIII was part of the Hitler/fascist conspiracy. As a result of Churchill's appeal to Roosevelt, Roosevelt prepared for World War II, expecting an attack on Pearl Harbor, by the Japanese, which had been part of the British-Japanese plan for the attack on the United States earlier. Changes were made, with U.S. support, in the British government, which eliminated the power of the fascists, which, at that point, included the power of Lord Beaverbrook; who was the mentor, who gave us Rupert Murdoch and Conrad Black, who are press imperialists, here in the United States, today--backers of the neo-cons. That's the general gist of the matter. Nineteen forty-four: the United States is going into the Democratic nomination, that year. Wallace, who is Roosevelt's Vice President, is Roosevelt's choice for renomination as Vice President. The fascist faction, in the United States, knowing that the United States had won the war against Germany and Japan, in fact, already, moved to make sure that Roosevelt would not control the post-war world. Their calculation was based on two considerations: No. 1) That Roosevelt, who had suffered from poliomyelitis, was about to die--overwork and his medical condition. He was about to die. Poliomyelitis has this effect; it's a degenerative disease, which hits people more and more, as they get older, even though they had the thing under control. So, they put Harry Truman in, instead of Wallace, in anticipation of Roosevelt's early death, from known medical causes. I had some friends of mine, who told me about this, who were witnesses of this whole scenario. So, those were the circumstances. Now, under these conditions, you had a grave injustice was committed against Japan-origin Americans. You have an imitation of that, in a much more hideous way, now, after Sept. 11, 2023, in which this time, the persecution is led by a fascist, who is Attorney General of the United States, John Ashcroft; who is a member of the neo-con Straussians, the same ones behind Cheney, led by the Cheney's wife, Lynne Cheney (she's the ventriloquist; he's the dummy, right?), and the whole crowd around them. So, what we're on the verge of here, in the United States, is the danger, not of an injustice, like that does to the Japan-Americans, under Roosevelt, but a much worse thing, of a systemic injustice, a fascist regime, a concentration camp regime of the Hitler type, being pushed by Cheney, Ashcroft, and Company. Therefore, we have to understand, this history, its complexities, its obscenities, and its truths. We have to know, this what we're up against and this is what we must stop. That is why I must stop Cheney! Because the poor, dumb President is not the problem. He is a problem, but he's not the problem. He is not a fascist, he is only a fool--and a nasty-tempered one at that. And a dumb one. But, Cheney is dangerous: Because Cheney is actually the equivalent of an instrument of a Nazi dictatorship over the world. He must be stopped. And, the one way to do it, institutionally, is to impeach the SOB. And once you get him out, you can get the rest out. And Bush will not be much of a problem--I can assure you of that! Because, I'm working on this thing: Without going into details, I'm on the inside of this effort, to get this guy impeached! And, I've been on it for some time. I know who's working against Cheney. I know what the forces are, and I think we've got the coalition of forces, which is about ready to do it. The biggest problem we have, is not in the Republican Party. The biggest problem we have, is in the leadership of the Democratic National Committee, which is controlled by a bunch of neo-conservative fascists, such as Donna Brazile, who's part of it, controlled by the same people that gave us Hitler, in the 1930s. So, that's the job. We have to do the job. That is why I concentrate on this job, the way I do. Because, this is a case, where you have to understand the history of a problem, to understand how to unravel it. It's like a military operation. It's not fought with guns. It's fought with diplomacy. It's fought with intelligence warfare. It's fought with politics. But, it's like a military operation: We have to flank this danger, and save the United States from a fascist takeover. And we have to do it over the opposition, the intentional opposition, of some fascists like Joe Lieberman, and the cowardice, the Hamlet-like cowardice, of Senator Kerry, and the foolishness of most of the other Democratic candidates, or would-be candidates. That's the situation. Yes, the case of the Japanese-Americans is comparable, but it's not the whole story. You have to situate this obscenity, in another obscenity--the one which is now--and the two are different. But, to understand both of them, and understand them clearly, gives you a very clear sense of what you've got to do. It's like fighting a war: Don't shoot the wrong person. -30-
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