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Answers From LaRouche Q: Question on how to organize with agape. - from June 27, 2023 International Cadre School |
Question: Hello, I'm from New York. I had a question that I thought should be answered by you, because you have a tremendous effect on these people. You have not only their hearts, but their minds. And these are people who can think for themselves. We have a job to do, not only just to think and to improve the ones around us, this is idea of agape. And, in organizing, I see flaws, and within the organization I see flaws, which is going to be atrophic through this organization. And, one of them is this: I worked as a youth minister in my church for a few years, and I worked with organizing masses of youth, lots of youth, hundreds of youth; the effective ways, and I saw the uneffective ways. And what I see, sometimes, when it comes to organizing, is an attack on people, and their beliefs, or their axioms, instead of first, reaching to the part of them that is correct, instead of attacking the part of them that is incorrect. In agape, we see the attack of axioms, and the type of response of the people is to defend themselves; it produces an irrational response, which is they feel that they're being attacked. And, they no longer are thinking cognitively, but more they're acting in defense. And we see lots of people who walk away because of this. And, we even see people who actually get in the door, and leave right back out. But, with love and sharing the sufferings of humanity, and relating to them about the issues that are happening, the inhumanity of society's leaders, generating a degenerate society, and because of this, the fact that we want to change this, not only for ourselves, but for our oikos, which is our friends, our families, our neighbors, our co-workers, anyone who's around us--another Greek word to use. And, another Greek word, kolonia [ph], which is the fellowship between man, and the improving of each other. This has to be improved. So, to become truly effective, we have to destroy these things, and we have to tell people to help us destroy these things. I want to hear, from you, what is more effective way, to organize people, with this kind of agape love, instead of this attack on their negative issues, but to join up with the positive part that is in every man, that sooner or later brings them up to us. [applause] LaRouche: Well, one of the problems in life, is that people have very strong negative beliefs, which are very destructive, and you must not compromise with them. The problem is, always you must have, you must always have a regard for the person, as human. And that must come through. If you have that, then you can be a very stern person, and very firm person. We have many people who turn against us, because of what we do, but then they come back to us. They come back to us, because they turned against us. Why? Because they knew they were wrong, and they came back. So, what you have to do is, sometimes, be patient. People don't like what you say? Don't worry about it. If you are right, if your attitude toward them is right, don't worry about it! If they go away, if they scream, if they yell, so forth--that's all part of the process. Don't worry about it. [laughter] Because, if you are straight, many of them will come back to you, and they'll come back to you, precisely, and they'll say, "Look, I was wrong." So, the point is, you've got to make the argument, in the best possible way. I think our people do better than anyone else in this country, on this matter. So, I don't have any complaint about it. And most of them are young people, who have come around, recently, and are trying to do the best they can. And, they work together. I find people working hard, young people working hard and long hours at night, discussing what they're going to do the next day, and so forth, and thrashing out these problems. It's a university on wheels concept. Yes, you always have to have a motivation, of love of humanity, care for everybody. You try to save everybody. You want to pull everybody in. But you have to be, sometimes, tough, like a tough parent, who loves the children. Don't exploit them. Don't take pleasure, in beating on them. That's the mistake. What you have to do is say, "Look, let me convince you, you're wrong. That's impotent. You happen to be wrong. Want to find out why? I'll tell you. No secret. I'll share it with you. I think you'll agree with me, by the time I get through with you!" [laughing No, it's just that attitude; it's a matter of attitude--you care. If you don't care, if it comes across you don't care, you want to spit on them, you're going to start a war. If you say, "Look, you're wrong." And you say it like this guy, "You can't deal with Cheney, you're wrong! You can't do it!" I said, "You have to: Do you want Adolf Hitler, running the United States? That's the problem! Are you willing to make the decision, not to go against Cheney, which would mean Adolf Hitler running the United States? You want that?" See you have to put on them, the responsibility for what they're proposing, and ask them if they want it: "Do you want a Nazi dictatorship in the United States? You've nearly got it; it's called Cheney." "It's called the leadership of the Democratic National Committee. Donna Brazile, for example, so-called liberal. Oh, you'll find out what we've got on her--it's going to be published. You're going to find out! Really, you'll love it. We haven't determined her sex, but we have determined her politics." -30-
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