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Answers From LaRouche

If you become President, how will you avoid becoming a "second Kennedy"?

  - from July 13, 2023 European Cadre School

Question: [translated] She's asking how could you, were you to become President, keep your enemies away, so that they don't harm you; and how you would put your policies into place in the world, but also how you would manage to survive, and not become a "second Kennedy."

LaRouche: [laughing] That would be a problem! But, I'm confident about this. The point is, that, our enemies are a very small number of people, relatively speaking.

And, you should look at what happened in 1932-33, both in Germany and in the United States, to get a picture of exactly how a situation like this works out. Look at this from a strategic planner's standpoint: In the 1928-1933 period, the Versailles monetary-financial system was hopelessly disintegrating. The discussions around the Young Plan, which resulted in the collapse of the Müller government in Germany, were a crucial turning point, in this process. Remember, from that point on, until Hitler, there was no elected parliamentary government in Germany. You had a series of ministerial governments, until Hitler was transformed into a dictator, on Feb. 28, 1933.

So, what had happened was, that the international financial institutions, the so-called "Synarchist" financier institutions, were faced with an impossible situation. There was no way they could save their financial system, under the present political institutions. Therefore, they decided to go to the Synarchist solution, of a new Napoleon: In this case, it was Hitler.

The alternative then was, again, in the United States a different situation--same problem, but a different solution: That, actually, as was noted at the time, the possibility of creating a dictatorship, in the United States--that is, a Nazi-style dictatorship--was greater than in Germany. If you look carefully at the interior of the Hoover Administration, especially in 1931 through '32, into '33, you see that danger.

But, there was opposition, in both Germany and in the United States to this Nazi- or this fascist-type solution. In the Fall of 1932, the two points of resistance, were von Schleicher in Germany, and Roosevelt in the United States. Von Schleicher coalition forces defeated Hitler, by dividing the Nazi Party forces. In November, in a similar period, Roosevelt was elected the next President.

Roosevelt became President in March of 1933. But--if von Schleicher had still been Chancellor, when Roosevelt was inaugurated as President, there would have been no Hitler in Germany. So, the Synarchist combination moved to blackmail Hindenburg into dumping von Schleicher in January 1933. Hitler was made Chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933, and within four weeks, we had the Reichstag Fire arranged by Goering, the following day, Hitler being made dictator.

So therefore, you had Roosevelt, with his program, which is an anti-fascist program, as President of the United States; and Hitler was installed in Germany, as the fascist dictator. And the war, therefore, was inevitable.

Today, we have a similar situation: The present, post-1972 world financial-monetary system is now disintegrating, hopelessly. Then, as now, for the Synarchist bankers, the only chance, is to establish a political dictatorship, as a way of controlling a world, in which the financial system had collapsed. Because, elected government, under conditions of crisis--that is, an elected government which depends upon popular support--will act to defend the popular interest in a financial crisis. Whereas, if a Synarchist-controlled dictator is in power, then the government will be used as an instrument, to crush the interests of the people.

All right, therefore, if I defeat Cheney, the enemy is crushed. If I am not successful, then the human race will be crushed, at least in the same degree of certainty, as World War II was inevitable, once Hitler was consolidated as a dictator. And, the prospect then, is, maybe humanity will crawl back out of the ashes, after that catastrophe.

I say this, because it is true, and I say this, because people must awaken to the seriousness of the conflict, in which I am personally involved. That the usual kind of indifference, that crazy journalists express about these kind of issues, is inappropriate under these circumstances: These are conditions like all-out war. We are at a turning point in world history: A crisis point, at which the choice of one or two individual leaders, can determine the fate of humanity for a long time to come. And, this requires a certain kind of passion of leaders, which is generally lacking in most of the would-be leaders of the population.

Therefore, I say what I say, not to frighten anyone, but because the truth must be told. The truth must be told plainly, otherwise, people will not know how they have to act.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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