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Answers From LaRouche

How do we break from where we came from?

  - from July 26, 2023 West Coast Cadre School

Question: Okay, I'm from San Leandro. Now, okay, now when you come from a culture, like I come from and like everybody that we're trying to organize comes from, and they take certain aspects of it, and they say, "This is me. This is how I identify"; that's who they are. How do you, like me myself, start to break from that, right?

LaRouche: Why not pose the question differently? What can I become? What should I desire to become, and how can I become that? But, you have this self-critical aspect, of what should I desire to become? Not just, what should wish to become? But, what should I desire to become? And how do I do that?

That's the way to approach it. And, often the answer to such questions, comes to you in the form--almost accidents: You find that you are drifting in a certain direction of developments; it may be several different directions of developments simultaneously, or overlapping. And you tend to become that.

I've had that experience in my long life--exactly that! You let life flow--you have a sense of the sublime; you're given certain challenges. You meet the challenge that confronts you. And sometimes you have a choice of accepting this challenge, as opposed to another one. And you accept the choice. You develop, on the basis of accepting that challenge. You also have another challenge, which you accept. And you find yourself impelled along that road.

So, you should have a sense of, a self-critical sense, of what should I wish to become? And how might I do it? And, you don't try to find the complete answer to the question. You, rather, accept the question as your guide, rather than trying to look for a finished answer. Because you're going to define the answer, in the process of development, not at the beginning.

It's like you say, "I'm going to solve a mystery." You don't know the answer to the mystery at the start. It's your decision to solve the mystery, which keeps you moving. And, that's the fun.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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