LaRouche Youth Movement: A New Birth Of Organization for Ibero-America by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. April 12, 2023 |
Lyndon LaRouche gave an important address on April 12 to scores of LaRouche Youth Movement leaders and organizers gathered in Mexico City, and simultaneously in Lima, Peru. His opening remarks were followed by a question-and-answer dialogue, on the ways of organizing a way out for nations from the current economic collapse and war, and on the simultaneous organizing of a “university on wheels' to make a new renaissance of Classical science and culture.
So, I'll take two basic areas, fundamentally, plus another one, for opening remarks here. First of all, let me summarize the international situation, as I know it, uniquely well. So therefore, I should give the report, since I'm the only one who really knows what's going on in the world, as adequately as I do. Secondly, I shall indicated the specific implications of a youth movement--my youth movement--worldwide, for the global strategic situation, today. And by that, I mean to include also, specifically, most emphatically, Mexico and Peru, which are the two parts of the Ibero-American organization which have, in a sense, a mass base of membership, apart from this horrible situation which our people in Colombia are suffering, for example. Or the isolation in Venezuela. First of all, the world faces the following problem: We're now at the end--the collapse phase, the final collapse phase of the international monetary-financial system, which has ruled the world since 1971, since August 1971. That financial-monetary system is now in economic collapse; it can not be reformed; it can not be saved. It's finished. And any attempt to continue that system would mean the destruction of civilization in a more general manner. That is, the plunge of the whole planet into a prolonged dark age, of one, two, or more generations. Therefore, that system: We must be rid of that. There's another aspect to the system, integral to it. That is, the beginning, about 1964, of the unleashing of an existentialist movement, which, with the Vietnam War especially, in the aftermath of the 1962 Missile Crisis, the assassination of President Kennedy, the launching of the Vietnam War. At that point, internationally, the young people entering adulthood, or such as entering universities, in 1963-1964, were subjected in increasing degrees, to a countercultural development, which made the entire generation--not every person in the generation--but the generation as a whole, in the Americas, throughout the Americas, in Europe and elsewhere, especially in Europe and the Americas--entire generations have been subjected to a classical counterculture, which was sometimes called the "rock-drug-sex counterculture," sometimes, simply called the "Now Generation." This generation, which came into increasing influence, as adults, beginning about 1964-66, has been correlated with a transformation of society, especially the United States and the United Kingdom, but also then spreading into Europe and spreading into the rest of the Americas, a destruction of the culture, from a culture oriented to production, to a culture oriented to a post-industrial society, a post-production society, a so-called "consumer society," or Now Generation. That is, the values of this generation, coming into adulthood, from the middle to late 1960s, on, was toward getting immediate gratification, in the short term, in life, as opposed to having a higher purpose for their lives. That is, in former generations, we may not have had very moral people, but they had a certain kind of morality: that they looked at their lives in terms of what they did, while they were alive, to benefit their children, or their children's generation, and their grandchildren's generation. They also looked somewhat to the past, to see what their obligations to the contributions made to them, and their development, from earlier generations--grandparents, parents, and so forth. This sense of connection, this kind of approximation of a sense of immortality, which comes from the relationship of one generation to another, in the struggle for progress in the human condition, was broken by the Now Generation. The No-Future Generation Thus, we have now a generation, and take particularly, especially the 18-25-year-old generation, who see themselves correctly, as having been dumped by their parents' generation into becoming a no-future generation. Thus, you have the generation which is now in the topmost positions of government and business, with a few exceptions of older people and a few other exceptions--this generation is indifferent and cold-blooded in respect to the conditions of life they are imposing upon the rest of humanity. They're concerned about their comfort, their generation's comfort, their pleasure-seeking, not humanity in general. Now, this is a break in historical culture, which confronts a generation, notably exemplified by those between 18 and 25 years of age, where their parents' generation has betrayed them. And there is virtually no efficient communication between them and their parents' generation, on these issues. This is the Baby Boomer problem; in France they call them the "Bobos"; there are other names, sometimes, a little bit scatological, for the same generation, in other parts of the world. This is a key problem. And it's this problem which has led to the rise of a new kind of fascism, which is characteristic, especially characteristic of this generation, the so-called "Bobo" generation, or Baby Boomer generation. This generation has adopted an existentialist view, which is what the meaning of the Now Generation is. They're concerned with their local interests, with their personal interests, with their personal satisfaction, at the expense of society at large. If they're taken care of, they're content. They say, "Don't talk to me about society at large. Talk to me about my community, my family, my immediate interests, my pleasure, my desires. Not about society." Now this kind of existentialism, which corresponds to that of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and so forth, or Jean-Paul Sartre, has been a corruption spreading through the Americas, in particular, as well as Europe, for as long as I've known. Actually, you had it, for example, in Peru, you had the spread of existentialism in Peru among educated people. The spread of existentialism in the form of the followers of Jacques Soustelle and so forth in Mexico. So throughout the hemisphere, in particular, we've had the corruption, this existentialist corruption, which took root in the form of the so-called Now Generation, the generation which is now under 60 years of age, which is dominating the institutions of government, business, and so forth, in society. This is our problem. If this generation, the Now Generation, the Baby Boomers, the Bobos, are relied upon to lead society now, with their sense of values, we are going into a dark age. We have to see what happened from 1971-on, to the present, that is, the collapse of the economy, through the existing monetary-financial system, as a product of this cultural paradigm shift, associated with the Baby Boomer generation, who were the people who were mass-recruited into this. Fascist Ideology Now this kind of ideology is also fascism, the fascism which is typified by the case of Napoleon Bonaparte, who is the first modern fascist. The model for fascism is, of course, ancient Rome, the Rome of the Caesars, and Napoleon, of course, was an imitation of Caesar's. That wasn't the only form of it. European monarchies, in the pre-Renaissance period, were essentially based, by and large, though there were struggles by Charlemagne and others, to change this. But the monarchies were essentially based on a feudal conception, which was a copy of this Roman-Imperial Caesarism. And this was true of the kings of Spain, and the Hapsburgs, in general, and so forth. They were essentially pre-fascists. Later, with the decay of the monarchical system, the old feudal system, you had, beginning, of the pivotal case of Louis XIV in France, who was a real pig, hmm? You had the emergence of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was originally a product of British intervention in the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte is the first modern fascist. And from 1806 on, Hegel became the increasingly, not only enthusiast for this fascist figure of Napoleon, but created a theory of society and the state, which is the basis for the threat to civilization today. This idea of Hegel was expressed by what's called "the end of history": that a time would come in history, when a great man would destroy the historical process of development of civilization, and give society a fixed form, that is, the end of history, under which great men, powerful men, would rule over the rest of society. This conception was developed further by Nietzsche, the idea of the Dionysian cult. That a new Dionysus must arise, who would destroy civilization, and would exert his power and influence by committing such crimes as would horrify and intimidate the rest of society. So society, under the influence of this "Superman," this man who is capable of crimes beyond all belief, would rule society. This became the theory of modern fascism, based on Hegel and Nietzsche. This is what was developing toward the end of the 19th Century, and this is what developed in the 20th Century. This is Mussolini, this is Hitler. And this is also what is running, controlling the President of the United States at this moment. The group around Cheney, the followers of Leo Strauss--which I've covered in this, my part, and others, in this paper on "The Children of Satan." So these are the children of Satan, especially those who have come from the Baby Boomer generation, who have accepted existentialism, and because of their acceptance of existentialism, tend to be sucked into the kinds of ideas which are typified by the Cheney Chickenhawk layer. This is the threat to civilization today. The Positive Alternative We have a positive side to this picture, which is that the development of the idea of an economic alternative, a positive alternative to the collapse of the present world monetary-financial system. This solution for the present crisis, is presently centered in Eurasia, and is focussed upon the prospect of cooperation among France, Germany, and Russia, on the one side; and on Russia, China, and India, and other countries, on the other side. That is, we have a large part of the population of the world is concentrated in Eurasia; also a large part of the world's land area, in the central and northern part of Eurasia, are some of the greatest mineral resources available on the planet. Europe is bankrupt; it needs expansion of its markets; these markets exist in Asia. And therefore, by the connection, a Eurasian connection of cooperation in technology-sharing and long-term projects of capital improvement, infrastructure, mean a solution for the economic crisis in Asia, if that is done properly. And the same thing, the same principle applies to the Americas. So the solution exists. The opposition to the solution is what? Just as I said back in January of 2023, before George Bush was inaugurated, the danger at that time, was that the combination of these kinds of conditions, the breakdown of the economy, which was then fully in process, would lead to something like the Hitler phenomenon, where someone, as Montagu Norman and others did in the late 1920s and 1930s, would adopt a fascist movement, in this case, that of Hitler, and with financing from New York, from New York bankers, directed by British bankers, that they would put into power, a dictator, i.e., Hitler, in Germany. Hitler was brought to power in Germany at precisely the point that Franklin Roosevelt, with his New Deal, and revival program, was on target for being introduced in March of 1933. Hitler was put into power on Jan. 30, 1933. Shortly, three weeks later, the Reichstag Fire was set by Goering, and then used to make Hitler a dictator. And therefore, when Roosevelt became President, Europe was on the road to war and dictatorship. And by the middle of the next year, World War II was inevitable, globally. The danger, as I pointed out, in that address I gave before Bush's inauguration, is that the new Administration were likely to head in a direction of continuing the foolishness of his policy, and at the same time, the opportunity would arise for somebody to do something like a Reichstag Fire--to create a crisis in order to establish a dictatorship, and launch wars from the United States. That happened on Sept. 11, 2023: From the inside of the United States institutions, elements acting as Goering had in the case of the Reichstag Fire, set the equivalent of a Reichstag Fire--the bombing of New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2023. That immediately unleashed a program of fascist world conquest out of the mouth, and out of the circles, of Vice President Dick Cheney. That's the problem we face. That's what you're seeing in the war in Iraq, and the threat to extend this war to other parts of the world. They're serious about it. So, our fight against this kind of existentialism is not merely against them; it's the fight to introduce the alternative which can prevent their success. That is, if we do not proceed to conduct the kind of reforms of the international monetary and financial system that I proposed, then this world is going into a fascist hell. Now, that does not mean that Cheney has succeeded. Cheney & Co. have recently made a terrible mess in the Middle East. They are great failures. They have succeeded in nothing, except in creating chaos. Their incompetence is obvious; their military plans were absurd and destructive. They have no solution for the crisis they've created. The President of the United States is in jeopardy because of this situation, which is going to become worse and worse as the weeks pass, unless some fundamental change is made. How Does a Youth Movement Work? Now, the question is: How are we going to introduce the change? And that's were you come in. That's where the youth come in. Now, by yourselves, you, as younger people, say, the 18-25-year group, can't do much--by yourselves, as individuals. Or simply as attachments to existing political movements--you can't do much by yourselves. But, you have a secret power: And the power is, that your parents' generations, which were, by and large, that is, the majority of the generation, is corrupt, morally corrupt, in the sense of being existentialist members of a Now Generation, having lost the sense of the future, which earlier generations of the same nations had. So therefore, what you represent: You represent the future. They have given you no future. You have no future under the continuation of the policies which your parents' generation has put into place. However, if you organize effectively, you can recruit your parents' generation to rejoin the human race, and you're the only ones that can really do it. Because they have to recognize that you, and your children, whoever they are, afterward, are the only future they have. So that's the meaning of a youth movement in the first instance. Now, how does a youth movement work? In former times, you had a transmission of culture, sort of a traditional culture, from one generation to the next. A kind of traditional morality, from one generation to the next, varying from country to country, and culture to culture, and region to region. But it existed. And therefore, young people growing up would adopt and use the culture they had inherited from their circumstances or their upbringing. And that would give them a guide as to what was a truthful orientation toward building the future. Well, that has been broken; that link has been broken. Now how do you find a cultural basis for building the ideas on which to base a successful future of humanity. You have to go to the issue of truth. That is, you can no longer rely upon tradition; you can no longer rely upon popular opinion, because those have broken down. Those will fail you. You must now go back to a Classical standpoint, and find a solution for morality in discovering what should be meant by truth, in the sense that Plato defines truth. And I've used in the United States and elsewhere, the Gauss's 1799 refutation of the follies of Euler and Lagrange, by comparing these to the Classical Greek understanding of the notion of powers in mathematical physics, to give people a sense that they can discover and know what truth is, independently of whatever popular opinion might be. And that is what a youth movement needs. Now, since people 18-25 years of age, or university age--they are not finished individuals. They are people whose minds tend to be open to discovering truth. And the way they do that is the way we do it in university. You have a class size which preferably is not more than 15-25 people, somewhere in that range--enough people so that everybody in the class can participate in the discussion, and not so many that they're buried, and only a few people of the many can participate. That's a typical Socratic-dialogue type of group, which is what a good class is, and a basic university class is today. The young people in that age group require that kind of association, of groupings who meet, regularly or periodically, about 15-25 people, approximately, who have enough interaction, and enough opportunity to interact as individuals, to actually engage in a Socratic process of mastering knowledge. In other words, a university on wheels, of people moving through society, acting politically, providing leadership to humanity, inspiring a generation which is about to go over the cliff, and all these things, but doing it in the way they were conducting experiments and studies in university life. That works. We have demonstrated it in the United States, in particular, and also, to some degree, in France, recently. That method works. Now this is a new method, introduced by me, but it's not new in the sense of principle. These are the same principles on which every great movement for a renaissance has been based. Young people, of essentially that age interval, who meet and work together in mastering the great ideas of principle from past history, including especially, Classical Greek history, and in that process, they develop the strength to become a revolutionary force in ideas and politics, for making a great advance in the condition of civilization. Now that's what we're doing. Good Beginnings We have very good beginnings in the United States, which are a model for how to do it. I broke through the garbage that was running the United States, from the top down, from 1992, to about 2000-2001. I broke through that. We now have an organization that was a shambles, on the way to the garbage dump; we now have a healthy organization once again. We also have got the rebirth of something significant in terms of the Ibero-American organization. That is in process. The youth movement is the key to that. The youth movement is not youth attached to the previous organizational network or ideas. It is a new dimension in organizing, which requires guidance in the sense that the university classroom represents a place of guidance. But it represents a force, a social force, to rapidly influence, not only their own generation, but that of the previous generation. We have a fair basis for this in Mexico. Mexico is the key in all Ibero-America, for such a youth movement. Peru is an example of a second case, where there is already something there to start this, and to spread it. Peru has a certain kind of integrity, an historical integrity, which gives it something like Mexico, different from Mexico, but like Mexico, a basis for this kind of thing. It will spread, and can be spread to other parts of the Americas. Without the conditions that exist in Colombia today, it would spread there. Argentina is ideal, except for the extremely oppressive conditions affecting the people there--makes it difficult. It's also a great potential in Brazil, and so forth and so on. So, what you're doing now, in meeting in Mexico, with Peru on the line, and with the United States--you are representing an extension of my international youth movement. It's mine because I have to take responsibility for it, because I can keep you free of the grip of the Baby Boomers [laughing]: I have to protect you from the Baby Boomers. But you have to have guidance, at the same time. So you are the nucleus of a new, revolutionary organization, which is the best hope for the transformation of this planet. Look around you. You're a few people, but you represent that. Okay, now we turn this back to you. - 30 - Click here to read a transcript of the discussion period. |