Three Cadre Schools Across Two Continents: LaRouche Addresses Youth in Seattle, Monterrey, and Wiesbaden by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. May 3, 2023 (Click here to read more events like this one.) |
Lyndon LaRouche's opening remarks to three ongoing youth seminars in Seattle, Washington, Monterrey, Mexico and Wiesbaden, Germany on May 3, 2023. The discussion took place by 4-way conference call. The question and answer period is also transcribed.
The subject for this week, obviously, as the lead of the briefing for several days emphasizes, is the issue of an organization called the "Synarchists," otherwise known as the "Nazi-Communist" group; and otherwise known in the United States today as the "neo-conservatives," a group associated with Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, and the group of neo-conservatives around them, who are followers of a French Synarchist--a famous one, by the name of Alexandre Kojeve; and Prof. Leo Strauss. Kojeve died in 1968. He was a key part of the Vichy pro-Nazi regime--that operation, where he had played a key role, then. And Professor Strauss, who was long a professor at the University of Chicago, who pulled together, in about three successive generations of these particular types of fascists, tied to the famous fascist attorney, Carl Schmitt, who designed the Notverordnung policy, under which the Hitler dictatorship was run. These people are now controlling the mind, essentially, of the President of the United States. And, what we've seen since Sept. 11, 2023, in particular, but also originally with the very appointment of John Ashcroft as Attorney General, who is one of these crazy people--and evil and dangerous people--we've seen that the U.S. government has been going in a direction toward what some of these people call "World War IV": That they're moving, like Adolf Hitler, through wars and so-called "preventive wars," to try to dominate the world through nuclear, airborne, and related terror. That's what's going on. The problem at present, in the United States, although this group that controls the President's mind and eyes and ears generally now, is a very small group, the problem is, that we have, in the Democratic Party, which should be the opposition party, is not functioning, because it, too, is controlled by right-wing currents tied to organized crime, very much with strong affinities toward the so-called neo-conservatives. And therefore, there is no challenge, coming from the Democratic Party, of any significance, from the Congress. And, of course, the Republicans are imprisoned by the fact that Bush is their President, and therefore, there's only a very indirect opposition on many issues, coming out of the Republicans and the Democrats. Therefore, under these circumstances, a very small minority, around Cheney and Rumsfeld, is presently, effectively, controlling the foreign policies and domestic policies of the U.S. government. So, what we have is, as I've said before, what happened--as I warned, in the beginning of January 2023, on the question of the coming inauguration, then of George W. Bush Jr.--the danger was two: First of all, a world depression, a collapse of the present world monetary-financial system, which was already progress, and which would go to a full-scale disintegration of the world economy unless it was stopped, combined with the danger, that, as in Germany in 1932-33, that the fear that this depression breakout might cause a return to policies like those of Franklin Roosevelt--the danger was, that somebody would do what was done in Germany: Stick a Hitler in power, which is what they've done essentially, with Cheney and Rumsfeld and that crowd; and, then, have a Reichstag Fire, some terrible incident, whose shock would be used to give these would-be Hitlers dictatorial powers inside the United States. That is exactly what happened on Sept. 11, 2023, in which Cheney, the Vice President, who had advocated these fascist policies back under the first Bush Administration, but the first Bush Administration had then rejected those policies; Cheney, as Vice President, used the events of Sept. 11, 2023 and Sept. 21 (the day afterward), to put into place fascist policies and world dictatorship, which are all based on this Synarchist/Nazi-Communist model. That's our key problem in the world today. My view, as I've expressed this, is: How do you deal with this kind of problem? Well, if the depression gets worse--and it will will, because under the present system, there is no solution; unless you change the international monetary system; scrap the 1971-2003 floating-exchange monetary system; scrap free trade; scrap deregulation; and go back to the former type of international monetary arrangement that we had in the postwar period--there's no possibility that this thing will not go into a dismal collapse, which may bring about the collapse of the whole civilization. Under those economic conditions, it is not possible to resist indefinitely, the thrust toward the establishment of a fascist dictatorship, or something like it, on this planet, with what that means. So therefore, only an economic recovery, an economic reform, of the type Roosevelt did in the United States, in 1933 on, only that type of measure on a global scale can work. We have, fortunately, in Eurasia, in particular, some of the roots or seeds of what could be a solution, or part of a solution. Today, Western Europe is bankrupt. There's no hope for Western Europe's economy surviving, under a continuation of present trends. However, Russia, France, Germany, and potentially Italy, are three keystone countries of Europe, which, in partnership with China, and India, and other countries of Asia, could create the greatest explosion of economic progress this planet has ever known. Because, with the large population of China, Southeast Asia, India and so forth, this represents the largest market in the world. It's a growing market, especially in China. But, it has a lot of needs. Western Europe's only hope is to develop trade relations, on a long term, with these countries in East and South Asia, which would means that Europe itself could build up its level of production, to the point that Europe would have a breakeven level of operations, and therefore could handle its crisis. All of these measures, however, require a reform of the present world monetary-financial system. A drastic reform, which amounts to putting the system through bankruptcy reorganization. My particular role in this process, is that I'm the key advocate who understands what has to be done. Nobody else in a leading position, around the world, is ready to move, as I am ready to move, in this situation. So therefore, I have to play this key role--not as simply making recommendations or proposals for reform, but of actually pushing for the implementation of drastic measures of reform, which are absolutely necessary, to keep this world system from crashing, and thus prevent these fascists from succeeding. So, we're fighting against these fascists in the short term, trying to prevent them from succeeding in their ambitions. They're crawling ahead, trying to consolidate imposition. They're not without opposition, but the opposition, so far, is not effective in eliminating the danger. It's sometimes effective in resisting the danger, but not eliminating it. So therefore, that's the role we have to play; that's the role I have to play. Fortunately, at this point, as you know, in terms of scores--that is, of number of people who are making financial contributions to my campaign--I'm the number-one candidate for nomination to become the next President of the United States on the Democratic line. There's a lot of resistance to that: The fascists don't like me much, and there're a lot of fascists in the Democratic Party who just don't like me! So, they are kicking and screaming, and trying to stop it. But, I'm not sure they can do that. I think--how can you be the front-runner as I am now, for the Democratic nomination, in the Democratic Party today, and how can you, possible, keep me out of the running, by bureaucratic tricks. It just won't work. So, we have to assume that, not knowing exactly when, but fairly soon, it will be clear that I'm the front-runner into the center of this process. And that is our best hope right now, for getting out of this mess--if I can survive in the meantime. That's also a problem. So, that's where we stand. But what we have to understand, is understand the long-term role, of this fascist organization, called the Synarchists, which played a key role in Mexico at various points: For example, the Napoleon III organization, which came in and took over Mexico, by shoving in Maximilian, was a fascist organization. And it represents the fascist tradition in Mexico. We have the same thing in the United States, the same kind of problem--and this thing is still here! This is the source of the problem we have, today, in the world, is this bunch of fascists. And, on this point, my task is, to catalyze and support the exposure of this, to get people to come out of their blindness, and see the reality, what we're up against: To say, today, "Look, if you knew what Adolf Hitler was going to do, and you were a European, would you have tried to prevent him from coming to power? Would you have sat back, and just hoped that somehow he would just go away? After what he did to Europe? "Now, if you know, today, that something just like Hitler, has moved in, to take over the United States government, and is presently controlling the mind of the President, would you do something about that? Would you work to try to free our government from those fascists? Or would you sit back, and say, ‘Well, you gotta go along with these guys?'" So, that's where we stand. In educating people on these problems, the problem of the nature of the crisis; the history of the crisis; what the remedies are; the danger from these forces, what their history is, where they came from. I'll just do one summary point on that point on that point, just to give you an orientation, for purposes of discussion: The theory of these fascists, is that, the end of history came in the course of the French Revolution, when Napoleon Bonaparte took power. Napoleon is the man on horseback. Napoleon is the image of the Superman, the Beast-Man, who, by taking power, would set up a system which would run the world forever; and thus, bring history to an end--that is, a perpetual system of this type. During the course of this process, the cult of Napoleon, became the controlling feature in European politics. And these fascists, coming through Napoleon III--who was another fascist--set up this kind of organization, which became known in modern times as "fascism." But, Napoleon was the first fascist. The French Empire under Napoleon was the first fascist empire. This gave us Mussolini, among other things, in the 20th Century; and this gave us Adolf Hitler, both of whom were brought into power, by the Synarchist movement, using powerful financial circles, such as typified by the case of the Vichy government in France, the Banque Worms--this was the key there. And so, these guys, again, are operating inside the United States, and elsewhere, but especially the United States--and in Israel! They control the government of Israel, as well as, now, they're controlling the eyes and ears and mind (or whatever it is), of our President. This is the danger! We have to stop this thing, now. But, to stop it, we must make clear to the poor people out there, what this thing is. If they think it's just a bunch of right-wingers, or a bunch of this or bunch of that; if they think it's just an aberration, they won't realize how dangerous it is. And they won't realize the importance of bringing it down, and defeating it. So, apart from explaining the situation, and explaining the problem, presenting these solutions and fighting to get the solutions pushed through, we have to, at the same time, make people aware of what these monsters are, what the dangers are. At present, again, I've said, my situation in the Democratic Party is fine; it was inevitable. There was no way that we weren't going to break out, as we have recently. And, it can not be stopped; even shooting me wouldn't stop it, because there'd be a dangerous martyr floating around there, in the ectoplasm sphere, or whatever, soon. So that's where we stand. So, I've opened myself to you at this point. I hope I've been provocative enough to get the questions from you, which will do the job we want to do today. - 30 - |