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  LaRouche to Ibero-American Youth:
What Is True Leadership?

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
July 5, 2023
(Click here to read more events like this one.)
Lyndon LaRouche addressed a tri-city Ibero-American cadre school July 5, by telephone, where members of the Ibero-American LaRouche Youth Movement were gathered in Mexico City; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and in Leesburg, Virginia. A question-and-answer session follows LaRouche's initial remarks. To read a transcript of the discussion period which followed these remarks, click here.

You young people--and, of course, there may be some old goats among you, but don't pay much attention to them, because I'm talking to you--are part of an international association of growing international power. The power centers around my figure, presently as a U.S. Presidential pre-candidate, as a candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party, and I'm the only person of nine others officially running, who has anywhere near the qualifications to actually be nominated or elected to that office next year.

In the meantime, my position is that, because of my credibility--the fact that I've been correct on the international financial/monetary process for more than three decades, where every other known person on that subject has been wrong--is of importance. Not only that, but what I've been right about is a crucially determining factor in the present world situation.

Now, you have the following situation: You have emerging in Eurasia--that is, in Western Europe and in Asia generally, you have a coalition emerging, a coalition for survival. This coalition is not yet committed to what they must be committed to, that is, we need to reform the Bretton Woods system, to go back to the old Bretton Woods system. This means putting the present IMF and World Bank into bankruptcy reorganization--that is, receivership called bankruptcy, by governments.

Collectively, the IMF and World Bank has to go into receivership by a group of governments exerting international authority over the range of the IMF's and World Bank's initial charter. This will also involve, in a sense, participation by institutions of the United Nations Organization, which have an association with the IMF and World Bank. But otherwise, in each country, each national government must put its central banking system into receivership, that is government-controlled receivership, for bankruptcy reorganization.

This reorganization is indispensable, because any attempt to refinance or roll over existing world debts, within the range of existing institutions, will result in a dark age for all humanity. By dark age, I mean a collapse of the world population from now over 6 billion, down to something less than 1 billion--and that in a generation or so. And this is unacceptable. Any failure to put the present IMF system, the present world monetary system, into bankruptcy reorganization of the type I've described, would be the greatest mass murder in all human existence. So therefore, it's not acceptable.

A Shift in Europe

You have in Europe, as with the recent discussion from Berlusconi, the Prime Minister of Italy, who is now in charge of the leadership of the European Union for the next six months, until the end of the year, the announcement, again, of the European Investment Bank policy, which means that these governments who participate, are going outside European Union agreements, on the basis that what they're talking about is long-term investments, not annual budgets. And therefore, long-term investments in basic economic infrastructure and

 science-driver development programs is the policy. You have a similar complementary policy in Asia, notably China; India is now cooperating; Southeast Asia, and so forth.

So therefore, Europeans and others are talking about large-scale development projects, as in China, in which government investment in basic economic infrastructure--water projects, power projects, transportation projects, and so forth--these measures will generate sufficient increase in both employment and productivity, to carry the economies through on a year-to-year basis. There will be enough employment, enough wealth produced, to carry national economies from year to year.

This means that we're going to have to freeze much of the debt, cancel large portions of it as being illegitimate: All of Latin American debt is in net effect illegitimate. It should be cancelled immediately, because all of these nations have more than paid for everything they've incurred as debt prior to the 1971-72 change in the system. And the debt since then is fake debt, based on refinancing on IMF terms, and the IMF terms and so forth, have been fake. They've been thieving.

So that's the situation.

What is lacking, however, is the willingness to go beyond very good, large-scale infrastructure projects--and they're being proposed inside the United States too, at the state level. But to go beyond that, to realize that these programs will not work, unless we also put the present monetary/financial system into bankruptcy reorganization. That, so far, is what no government, in Eurasia, for example, has been willing to entertain. The best we've had has been in Italy, where the Chamber of Deputies, and also Senate groups, have proposed a New Bretton Woods system, that is, a return to the monetary policies of the former Bretton Woods system, as opposed to what has been in place since 1971-72. That's going on. But otherwise nothing.

Therefore, my particular role, my unique role as a candidate for President of the United States, is to push now, as a candidate, even as a so-called pre-candidate, to push now to provide international leadership for those forces who are willing to support, both inside and outside the United States, large-scale infrastructure investments as a method of employment and growth to stave off a depression collapse. My job is to push this one thing, which is indispensable. Otherwise, all these fine plans will not work. That's my role.

My corollary role is in dealing with the alternative; that is, the enemy's alternative. The financier groups which gave us Hitler, the Vichy government, Mussolini, Franco, and so forth, and the PAN Party in Mexico, these groups are the financier groups behind these political influences, and are moving now, as they did in the 1920s and '30s, to set up international systems of fascist dictatorships, as the alternative to accepting the role of government in putting a bankrupt system into bankruptcy reorganization. They're out to prevent something like Franklin Roosevelt from happening today, as they fought against Franklin Roosevelt, and as they fought to put Hitler into power back in the early 1930s. So that's the issue.

I represent the opposition, the leading international political opposition, to international fascism, typified by the formation of the PAN in Mexico itself. This international fascism is now centered in the government, on the position of the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney. Now, Dick Cheney is not a very intelligent man. As a matter of fact, he's in a sense like a ventriloquist's dummy. His wife is his controller; she speaks, and his mouth moves, and the words come out of his mouth. But it's the people around her who are actually running Dick Cheney.

Around Dick Cheney are a group of people who are outright fascists. Many have Trotskyist and similar backgrounds, who have gone over to fascism, such as Wolfowitz in the Defense Department, such as Bolton in the State Department, Wurmser in the State Department, Lawrence Libby in the office of the Vice President, and so forth and so on. These fascists are lackeys, who have seized control of the U.S. government, control of the mind--which is not much of a mind--of the current President. They have been controlling and orchestrating policies.

They came to power, not by election but by an operation run from inside the United States at a very high level, which is known to the world today as 9/11, that is, the three aircraft attacking, respectively, the two towers in New York City, and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. This was done for the same reason that the Nazis ran the Reichstag Fire in 1943, in order to create the pretext for establishing Adolf Hitler as a dictator in Germany. The cause of World War II.

Today, Cheney and company were brought into the present position of power as a result of 9/11, and 9/11 was done in order to bring Cheney into that position of, technically, more or less dictatorial power with his circle. These fellows are threatening not only world war; they're threatening the use of nuclear weapons against nations which have no nuclear weapons. They're using this as a method of terror, of Nazi-like Nietzschean terror, to intimidate the world into submitting to a world government under them. They, in turn, are simply the puppets of financier groups, just like the same groups of financiers who were behind Hitler, behind the Vichy government, behind Mussolini, behind Franco, and so forth. And also William Buckley and his friends in Mexico. So this is the problem.

Therefore, my position, the leadership I'm giving, internationally--and it is international--the repercussions are international. I'm not just a U.S. candidate. I'm the U.S. candidate who is campaigning effectively for support from leading nations of the world. I'm the one candidate for President of the United States, who can bring the world back together, under these conditions of crisis. Now, that's who I am. And that's who you are. You're a key part of the process.

Eisenhower Saved the U.S. from Fascism

Let's look at another aspect of the process. Go back to the beginning of the 1960s. Eisenhower, who had opposed the fascist takeover of the United States--remember, Truman was essentially a fascist. He was the one who brought the Right to power in the United States. He was the one who unleashed nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki for no military reason, for political terror reasons. He was the one who started the right-wing terror in the United States. He was the one who created what was called McCarthyism, and we saved the United States from an immediate fascist takeover by the election of Dwight Eisenhower, who was opposed to these kinds of fascist military and other methods. So, Eisenhower was President from 1953 into his retirement in 1961; and outgoing, he warned people against what he called the ``military-industrial complex,” which is nothing but this pack of fascists which is behind Cheney and his co-thinkers, so-called, today.

From that point on, think of what you went through, or your parents went through. You had, first of all, the Bay of Pigs (and they were really pigs) coming into Cuba. They were also the friends of Joe Lieberman, the Senator from Connecticut who qualifies as a Bay of Pigs memorial object. You had this process. Then, you had the Missile Crisis. The world was terrified; we were at the brink of a general, full-scale thermonuclear war. Then we had various coups against various governments, in various forms, around the world. We had the assassination of Kennedy, which was covered up by John McCloy, or on orders of John McCloy, and was never really investigated by any official agency. It was a big cover-up. Then we had the plunge into the Vietnam War, the Indo-China War.

These developments of the early 1960s, coming on the heels of the impact of the Truman fascist era in the postwar United States, terrified the population. It especially terrified those who were yet still adolescent at that time, who were about to enter adulthood, who were about to enter universities, for example. So you had the rock-drug-sex counterculture. You had the cultural paradigm-shift in the population. Around the Americas, you had the spread of existentialism, which was already a disease in most of these countries of South America, but it led into this counterculture process. All the elements of the left wing of the fascist movement. It prevailed.

In the United States, we had the so-called '68ers; we had, in Europe, the '68ers. Now, some of these people, who are now between their 50s and 60s, are running most of the governments and business institutions and similar institutions, universities and so forth, in the Americas and in Europe. These guys, the Baby Boomers, and others, who were not essentially as highly privileged as those Baby Boomers are today, are nonetheless affected by the cultural impact of the terror inflicted, during the early 1960s, upon them.

So, you have a whole generation of people who were coming out of adolescence in the 1960s, who were hit hard by the impact of nuclear terror and similar kinds of things then.

So therefore, the world went through a cultural paradigm-shift, from optimism about the postwar recovery and so forth, to pessimism, cultural pessimism. We went from the commitment to scientific and technological process in the production of physical goods and infrastructure, to the anti-technology movement typified by the so-called environmentalists, from the early 1970s on. But even earlier, by the '68ers, who were anti-progress. They were anti-society, anti-economy--the leaders were.

So, this ideology was crucial in transforming the United States, in particular, from a producer society--the most productive society on the planet--into becoming a parasitical, increasingly predatory, consumerist society, living on the blood, for example, of Mexicans who grow the food for the United States, but at wages at which Mexicans can barely continue to exist. This is typical around the world. This is what's happened in Central and South America. This is what's happened to Africa, with the genocide being done by the English-speaking and Israeli groups operating there. This is the big problem.

A Partnership To Save Humanity

So, therefore, you, who represent a younger generation, now in the approximate equivalent of a university age, realize that the society your parents' generation has given you, is a catastrophic failure. And that if the present trends continue, you have no future! This is true around the world. Not all parts of the world, but especially in Europe, and in the Americas, throughout the Americas.

Therefore, you recognize that you have to change the way things are going, if you are to have a future. If you are to avoid the terrible penalties which are now looming before you, with this Great Depression which is already ongoing.

Your parents' generation generally lacks the moral ability, on its own, to deal with this crisis. They're so pessimistic, so demoralized, so corrupt, so looking for personal lifestyle gratifications, rather than a role in history, that they will do nothing, generally, to change it, unless you intervene. That is, if you, who are becoming adults, adult children of this generation of Baby Boomers, if you move, your going into political motion, will move the older generation, your parents' generation, as nothing else can do it on this planet.

Therefore, your partnership with me, in moving to change the world from the plunge into a lemming-like abyss, into a hopeful future, your relationship to me is the most important thing on this planet today. Not because of anything else but the fact that we, together, are playing a crucial role in saving humanity from a self-inflicted crisis.

That's who you are, that's what you are.

I propose for you--it's your development: Don't depend upon the universities. Don't disregard universities, of course, but you have to recognize that universities are polluted by the culture; the cultural changes which occurred, especially those since the early to middle 1960s, have polluted these universities. They no longer meet the cognitive standard that they used to meet. The courses are largely junk. What is taught and the methods by which they're taught, is garbage. But, they're still important institutions. Therefore, you have to have an approach to university life, which may be in it, but also, simultaneously, independent of it.

To this end, I have raised this question of Gauss's 1799 paper, and I've also written--which is now in the process of publication and circulation, a paper entitled, ``Visualizing the Complex Domain,”[1] which in a sense explains the deeper implications of Gauss's 1799 paper. My purpose is to give young people a point of reference, from which to launch their own, independent overview of what is going on in the culture, both in terms of physical science, and in terms of art and so forth, in general.

So, that's where we are. You represent--even though still few in numbers--you represent what we've demonstrated in the United States, and what we are demonstrating in some degree in France, and probably will demonstrate in Germany. You represent, in the Americas, a fast-growing but small influence, which, in the course of the coming months, will transform politics throughout the hemisphere. That's what you represent. Enjoy it.

Okay, I turn it over to you.

(Click here to read a transcript of the discussion period.)

1. See Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., ``Visualizing the Complex Domain,” EIR, July 11, 2023; or go the website: www.larouchein2004.com.

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